Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label upline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upline. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2010

What Is Spillover?

Spillover is an awesome phenomenon in the Lifewave business model. I personally love spillover.

Spillover happens as a result of each distributor only needing to grow two “legs.” Each distributor places one distributor on the right and one on the left. If any distributor happens to sign up more than two distributors under them (which happens frequently- some distributors sign up thousands of people) all the distributors over the first two have to have some place to go. This is when those distributors have the potential to go under you. Now, you won’t be responsible for training them or even having contact with them, but you will benefit from their sales volume and the sales volume of everyone they sign up.

You see, there is no depth to your downline. It gets counted forever and ever! This has tremendous potential. Every person under you no matter who signed them up, you get credit for. This is why you want an active distributor. You want a distributor that gives you plenty of spillover. If they’re still growing their legs, then they’ll be able to help you grow your legs. This is what is so exciting about this opportunity.

If you’d like more information on the entire business opportunity, visit our website here.

If you have questions, we’d be glad to answer them for you. blitzthewave@gmail.com

If you’d like to sign up under an active distributor, you’ve come to the right place. Shoot us an email and we’ll get you set up or you can go directly to Lifewave’s official website www.lifewave.com and enter in our ID # 727136. It’s as simple as that.

Monday, July 19, 2010

How Best To Grow Your Downline

There is a strategy for growing the two legs in your business.

Every Lifewave distributor grows only two legs of a downline. These “legs” get created when other distributors sign up under you, and you become their sponsor. Growing a downline is neither easy nor hard, it just requires effort. There is, however, a strategy that is beneficial.

When growing your legs, always place new distributors on the outermost available position on either side.

Here’s an example. Say you’ve already signed up two new distributors and you placed one on the right, directly below you and one on the left. Now, you have a third distributor to sign up. Where should that person go? Well, there is now four available positions to place that third person because there are now two “legs” under each of the two distributors you signed up, for a total of four. You should place the third new distributor on either the far right or far left space of the two distributors under you, not on the inner legs.

Why? Growing in depth instead of straight across until each space is filled is a more effective way to grow a downline. There are several reasons for this. Don’t fill in each space before you move to the next line. Those spaces are not your responsibility.

When you build straight down on the outermost spaces and your upline and downline also do this, everyone helps each other grow their legs. This is beneficial because 1) it keeps new distributors motivated, knowing they don’t have to grow their legs all by themselves, 2) everyone benefits from the total sales volume of people under them.

Strategically, if your upline builds this way, they’ll by helping you grow one of your legs while all you have to do is concentrate on the other leg. You, in turn, do this for your downline. By placing people continuously on the outside, you help your downline on each side grow one of their legs. This keeps people motivated to build the other leg to keep up with the side you’re helping build.

Placing people on the inside spaces doesn’t really grow the downlines as quickly for all people.

This is difficult to explain in words. Showing this on paper is easiest, so if you have any questions, feel free to send an email. We can go over this information better with you in that manner. blitzthewave@gmail.com

For more information, click here.