Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label glutathione. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glutathione. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Analgesic Medications Put Stress on the Body, Lower Glutathione

What do most people do when they feel a little pain or discomfort? That's right- they reach right for the painkillers; Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen. As a society, we consume these powerful and often dangerous chemicals as if they were candy. I mean, it's just Tylenol, right?

Wrong. Every medication, even Tylenol, has a toxic effect on the body and a list of side effects out the window. Analgesic medications put undue amounts of stress and strain on the body as the body has to filter out these toxins. This can take the place of other vital functions the body needs to perform.

Something that is not known by the general public about painkillers is that they lower levels of glutathione in the body. Why is this important? Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. We need these levels to stay high t detoxify our bodies, slow aging, improve the quality of our skin, and keep our immune systems operating at peak function. Glutathione is way more important than eliminating a temporary pain.

It's not wrong to want relief though, which is why the Icewave patches are so exciting. They can relieve almost any pain frequently within mere minutes. They don;t contain any harmful drugs. In fact, we've never even had one side effect associated with their use.

Stop putting junk into your body. Want pain relief? It's time to try something new.

You can find more information here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Attention Distributors: November's Promo is Here!

Hi Team,

Get Ready for a New You in the New Year!

Elevate antioxidant levels, detoxify your body, and supercharge your immune system – all in time for the New Year and the launch of the new X-15 patch!

From November 1 through January 2 you can take advantage of promotional pricing on a special combination package of Y-Age Glutathione and Y-Age Carnosine – including 30 patches of each product – for $99.95. The regular pricing for these items would be $119.90. In addition, you will receive 100 Business Volume (BV) points for this promotional package!

This is the perfect opportunity to use Y-Age to release stored toxins in order to reap maximum benefits from the new X-15 patch, which will be launched on January 7, 2011. X-15 provides its own unique detoxification pathways and anti-aging benefits. Anecdotal evidence from our X-15 focus group study suggests that detoxifying with the Y-Age products might better prepare a user to deal with the detoxification effects of X-15.

Although many people do experience benefits from our Y-Age patches within the first week of use - such as detoxification - as this is an anti-aging system, we recommend using these products for at least 90 days to see more complete benefits.

Check your back office for more information!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exploring The Lifewave Patches: Y Age

So what on Earth are the Y Age patches? So far, we have explored patches that can increase your energy, eliminate your pain, and give you the best sleep of your life. This is no easy feat, yet there are two other patches that do even more.

The Y Age patches are actually two different patches that have different purposes. The first patch is the glutathione patch. This patch increases the level of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. It helps the body detoxify, slows aging, improves health, and increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants. If you could supplement with only one antioxidant, glutathione would be it, yet it's hard to supplement with because our stomach acid destroys it. Studies on this patch have shown it increases glutathione levels in the body by 300%, and the best part if it's the body's own glutathione.

The second patch is the carnosine patch. It helps repair old cells, lessen the appearance of scars, heal wounds faster, and improve athletic performance. This antioxidant has often been referred to as the fountain of youth.

Both of these patches come in one pack of patches. The package will last for one month. The patches should be rotated each day, so one day you'll wear the glutathione patch and the next, carnosine. The patches also improve the quality of the skin, decreasing wrinkles, eliminating breakouts, and increasing the softness of the skin.

For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Dangers of Depleted Glutathione

I believe no one has adequate glutathione levels. Let’s start at the beginning. What is glutathione? Glutathione is the body’s master (most important) antioxidant. It is actually manufactured in our bodies, and it scavenges free radicals and detoxifies the body. A lack of glutathione in the body has been traced to every major disease process we experience, and it is thought by researchers that the levels of glutathione in our bodies is directly linked to how long we will live.

Clearly, glutathione is an important substance to remain healthy, yet most of us are depleted in it. Levels decline as we age, but becaues of the bombardment of toxins in our environment, I believe our levels are being depleted younger and younger.

I’m still fairly young. I’m in my twenties. I’m not technically worried about Alzheimer’s or aging yet. However, I wear the Y-Age patches religiously because I understand their importance. I want to be sure I have enough glutathione. As we’re beginning to see illnesses that used to be associated with aging happen to children no less, I don’t think it unwise to be cautious. These common aging illnesses, in fact, don’t have anything to do with aging, they have much more to do with toxin exposure. If you don’t watch your health or toxin exposure, and you don’t consciously detoxify throughout your life, then you’ll end up with diseases when you’re old because you’ve had more time to be exposed to toxins. However, now we’re seeing osteoporosis and adult onset diabetes in children and Alzheimer’s symptoms from people in their thirties. This is because more and more of us are exposed to too many toxins younger and younger, and our bodies just can’t keep up. Nutrition also plays a major role, but that’s a separate topic.

Glutathione detoxifies the body, and the patches stimulate the production of glutathione in our bodies, thereby decreasing the liklihood of occurences of disease. We don’t claim our patches cure anything. This is about prevention.

I get asked why at my age am I worrying about anti-aging. Aren’t I a little young for that? I’m not worried about getting older, but I do want to be healthy and glutathione can get me there. Even someone my age has the potential t be depleted in this important antioxidant, so I feel confident I am not simply wasting my time. I want to live a long and healthy life.

The patches work by sending a signal to our bodies to produce more glutathione. Glutathione is an incredibly safe substance, and you cannot overdose on it. If the body needs to make more glutathione, it will. The body accepts the signal from the patches to do whatever repair work it will need to do, but the body is so smart, it will only make as much as it needs.

The point I’m making is that because the body, in essence, doesn’t have to accept the signal from the patches if it doesn’t need to, if a person is not low on glutathione, a person could reason the patches wouldn’t technically be necessary for them. We’re not overridding the bodies natural mechanisms with the patches, unlike with a medication. The body only accepts the signal if it needs to.

What I’m saying, though, is that there is not one person in our modern society that doesn’t need more glutathione. The body is smart. The body will accept the signal and make however much it needs to make, but we are all depleted, and so the body will respond. Everyone tested in the studies of this patch responded to the patch. There bodies made more glutathione, and yours will too.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Worried About Cell Phone Radiation?

There is an abundance of research on the dangers of cell phone radiation. I used to worry about it. It’s scary, yet I knew we wouldn’t ever be without cell phones again. They’re simply not going to go away, and they are convenient.

Still, I wanted something that could protect against my cell phone’s radiation. I don’t want to end up with a brain tumor or worse yet, have something happen to my kids.

I’ve tried a Biopro chip, which did have an effect. I still use the chip and like it, but I’ve found something I believe works better (due to the muscle tests we’ve performed).

Numerous Lifewave distributors began reporting on the effects the Lifewave patches could have on the energy of their cell phones. We decided to experiment ourselves.

There are four patches that we believe works best. The tan patches of either the pain or energy are what we personally use on our cell phones. From the muscle tests we’ve done, they work great.

The Y-Age patches, glutathione and carnosine, can also be used. We believe their effects to be stronger than the tan patches because we can’t get on the internet when we use a carnosine patch. For this reason, we use the tan patch because it does the job while still allowing us to use the internet when we need to.

I sincerely believe the patches are able to balance the radiation coming from my cell phone, and I do believe it will help prevent the damaging effects of radiation from harming my body.

Have you ever worn your cell phone in your pant’s pocket and noticed your leg was sore in that area? This doesn’t happen when the patch is there.

The dangers of cell phone radiation are well known. If you're worried about it (as you very well should be), then why not try sticking a patch on your cell phone and see if you notice a difference. It’s too important to pass up.
You can get your very own patches by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Funny Story About My Husband The Goofball

I have a funny story to share about my husband. We are aware of the dangers of cell phone radiation. We have tried various products to protect us from the harmful effects and were very pleased when we first discovered Lifewave patches can offer this protection.

So, we decided to put a patch on our cell phone to help protect from the radiation. The way the radiation affects us before and after patch placement can be easily demonstrated via muscle testing, so it was obvious the patches do their job. You can use a carnosine, glutathione, or tan pain or energy patch. All these have demonstrated to be effective for us.

I have a tan energy patch on my phone. One is all I need. My husband, however, started out with one and then he continued to add to his stash. I kept seeing him shove another patch into the skin around the phone and I’d think to myself, “You’re adding another one?” He was quite pleased with himself, thinking he was getting tons of protection.

After a time, he started noticing his phone battery would drain rather quickly. Mine, however, works perfectly fine. We started to feel frustrated with his phone because our phones are relatively new. What was the deal?

His phone would charge, but 20 minutes after it was fully charged, he’d only have 50% battery life left. It was frustrating. Meanwhile, my phone would still be charged three days later. Something was up.

Finally, it dawned on us. The patches were draining his cell phone battery! We have never laughed so hysterically when we realized this. He has now narrowed down his patch selection to only one patch on his cell phone, which is plenty enough for our purposes. His battery now holds its charge, and we have learned our lesson.

Moral of the Story: One patch will do the job just fine.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010 Extraordinary Technology Conference DVD's Now Available

David Schmidt, the inventor and CEO of Lifewave, and Dr. Steven Haltiwanger recently completed speaking at the 2010 Extraordinary Technology Conference in Albuquerque, NM.

Dr. Haltiwagner's presentation discusses the mightily important antioxidant glutahione. He explains the roles and functions of glutathione in our bodies and how it relates to our health. He also covers the Lifewave glutathione patch and how it works to rapidly increase glutathione levels in our bodies with ease.

David Schmidt's presentation discusses taking an idea to market and making it successful. For inventors out there, the information covered patents, rallying like minded people, marketing strategies, and so much more.

If you missed the conference, but still feel this information would be valuable to you, the DVD's of this event can be purchased. You may purchase them by clicking here.

Please note: we have no affiliation with TeslaTec, nor do we benefit from the sale of the DVD's. We simply like to keep our readers up to date with everything about Lifewave. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Arizona State Board No Longer Allowing Glutathione In IV Form

I have recently uncovered information concerning glutathione being used in IV form for purpose of chelation and healing. The Arizona State Board has mandated that healthcare practitioners in the state of Arizona are no longer to use IV glutathione. This leaves the question of how patients are to benefit from the wonderous effects of glutathione.

Information is not immediately clear as to why this decision has been made nor the reasoning behind this new mandate. Healthcare practitioners are left scratching their heads as the Board has been refusing to give clear reasoning.

This news comes with a hefty price to patients who benefit from glutathione therapy. Glutathione is used in chelation to remove heavy metals from the system and has remarkable effects for reducing tremors in patients with Parkinson's.

One thing is certain, however, and that is glutathione is safe. Our bodies naturally manufacture glutathione, and its benefits are many indeed. The anti-aging effects of glutathione are nothing short of miraculous. Glutathione is one of the rare substances that can even be given to pregnant women and babies, so why this decision comes at this time is nothing short of a mystery.

Many physicians don't agree with the Board's decision as they know the benefits of glutathione.

While you may not be able to get IV glutathione anymore in the state of Arizona, what many people don't yet realize is that there is another way.

Attention Physicians: This is information imperative to know for the sake of your patients. There is a company manufacturing a new technology that can increase levels of glutathione in the body. It's old news that oral glutathione is ineffective, this is something different. What this technology does is send a specific energy signal into the body to instruct the body to make more glutathione. The body accepts this signal if it needs to, but this is not a medication overridding the body's natural mechanisms. What the scientist behind this technology essentially discovered is that because all matter vibrates with a specific frequency, if you are able to isolate specific frequencies, you can communicate with the body. Cells communicate chemically, but they also communicate electrically as evidenced when our bodies go out into sunlight, we manufacture Vitamin D, or we get a tan. This is our bodies reacting to light. This is what this new technology is all about.

Is it safe? Absolutely. It's just a signal to the body. It's not a medication, and there has never been one side effect associated with use of this technology. There's really no way to overdose on glutathione.

Has there been testing? Yes. Over 30 independent double blind, placebo controlled studies have been performed on this technology.

Are there other physicians on board with this new technology? Yes. This company employs a physician, Dr. Haltiwanger. There have been many independent physicians and scientists performing research on this technology. There are many physicians from all specialties incorporating this into their patients' care.

How effective is this technology? The technology begins working the moment it is applied to the body. Research has shown an increase in glutathione levels within the body by 300% within the first 24 hours. The best part though is that glutathione levels can stay elevated indefinitely with use of this technology because it can be utilized all the time, a benefit not available from IV glutathione.

I know as physicians it's easy to be skeptical because you want something that's not only going to be effective for your patients, but safe as well. This is of paramount importance. Skepticism aside, however, you'd be doing your patients a disservice if you didn't keep up with emerging scientific research and new technologies, so in light of this, do your patients a favor and check this out.

On Lifewave's main website, they list the studies performed with links to read these studies directly. We also have a plethora of information on our website. The two websites you'll need are http://www.lifewave.com/blitzthewave (the official website) and our website http://www.blitzthewave.com/.

For everyone else, there's good news. Lifewave's products do not require a physician prescription. Everyone can purchase this new technology and experience the benefits of health. No more necessity of going to a physician to get freqent IVs of glutathione. This is a much more convenient way.

It's a shame Arizona State Board has taken the position they have, but in the end, maybe it will turn out to be the best thing for everyone, and thankfully, we have Lifewave.

To learn more, visit our website, click here. To purchase directly, click here.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Protect Yourself From Toxic BP Oil Fumes

For those living in cities near or around the Gulf, toxic fumes from the BP oil spill are undoubtedly affecting your health. Breathing in fumes such as these damage internal tissues and can manifest in a wide-ranging array of symptoms.

Luckily, Lifewave can help. If you live in these areas, it is imperative to be taking even better care of yourself than you normally would or disease is sure to result. In this situation, protection is needed. The importance of detoxifying cannot be overstated.

This may sound fine and dandy, but how on Earth are you supposed to protect yourself and detoxify? You've got a busy life and schedule, and you may not have time to worry about such things. That's okay, we still have an extremely effective method that won't take any more than 30 seconds before you're walking out the door in the morning.

In case you didn't already know, Lifewave manufactures patches. How can a patch help protect you? Well, these patches are different than any other patch system on the market. Nothing goes into the skin with these patches instead they work by energy. This may sound strange at first, but it's very similar to acupuncture, only even more beneficial. Acupuncture has a proven track record of over 5,000 years of use. It's benefits are well known.

The first set of patches you'll need are the Y Age patches. There are two patches in this system: glutathione and carnosine. Glutahione and carnosine are actually two very important antioxidants manufactured in our bodies. They offer protection for all sorts of things, many of which are highlighted in other posts on this blog. They also help the body to detoxify. What the patch does is send a signal to the body, and the body then makes more of these antioxidants. You can't afford not to have this protectin when you're breathing in toxic fumes.

The next important patch is the Silent Nights sleep patch. The sleep patch increases melatonin levels in the body. What if you don't have trouble sleeping? This patch is still important because melatonin is also a very potent antioxidant in the body. It's a hormone too, and it promotes sleep, but it also detoxifies the body in a very powerful way. Melatonin is thought to be the only antioxidant that can actally detoxify from the inside of the nucleus of a cell. This is where our DNA is kept, so essentially, melatonin may be able to prevent damage to our DNA. This is exciting news.

When the body is under constant attack from toxins, such as toxic fumes, it's important to adopt habits that don't put the body under even more strain. Getting proper sleep, at least 8 hours a night, is of paramount importance. It's when we sleep that we detoxify the most. Eating nutritious food, drinking pure water, and staying away from processed foods is a great idea. Getting an air purifier or indoor plants is another form of protection. Taking time to de-stress and relax is another key factor. All these suggestions are a good way to have the best possible outcome in this scenario.

Now, the benefits of these habits and the Lifewave patches are certainly not exclusive to those living near the oil spill. These are things we should all be doing regularly for our health if we want to live a long and healthy life.

If you're interested in creating good health for yourself and would like to experience the powerful benefits of the patches yourself, you may purchase them easily directly from Lifewaves website. www.lifewave.com. Be healthy. Be happy.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Can Benefit From Glutathione Therapy

We already know glutathione can play a role in many disease processes, so it should come as no surprise that glutathione can also help with cases of MS. Glutathione is a protein that acts as an antioxidant in our bodies. It’s made in our bodies and is the most important antioxidant we have. Glutathione has a particularly effective ability to scanvenge free radicals in the brain, protecting our brains from oxidative stress. The levels of glutathione in the body directly correlate to how healthy we are and to how long we live.

So, what’s going on in the cases of MS? It has been found that sufferers of MS, like all patients suffering from a disease, have depleted levels of glutathione. In many cases, glutathione levels are only 5% of what they should be. People with levels of glutathione this low are literally receiving absolutely no protection from free radicals, and this is detrimental to health.

How do glutathione levels become depleted in the body? Since glutathione is made in our bodies, our bodies have to be operating efficiently and with the proper nutrients to be able to produce glutathione. When our bodies become run down, it’s hard for them to operate well. Our bodies become run down when we don’t eat the proper nutrients and when toxins enter the body faster than the body can eliminate them. Toxines are everywhere and difficult to avoid without active pursuit. Toxins come to us from our food, water, the air, our cosmetics, personal care products, amongst others.

MS has been particularly linked to heavy metal toxicity. This means that MS sufferers have an abundance of heavy metals in their systems, which are contributing to their ill health. Interestingly, glutathione aids the body in detoxifying from these heavy metals. Removing these heavy metals from the body can have tremendous health benefits.

What’s important to remember with any autoimmune disease is that, contrary to what the name suggests, the body does not try to commit suicide or become sick. Diseases of any nature happen as a defense mechanism of the body. The body’s goal is to maintain homeostasis, and it is always in favor of self preservation. When a disease results, it is a survial mechanism of the body because the alternative would be worse for the body. The body is simply always trying to protect itself.

Now, a disease such as MS is certainly multifaceted. This means there are often numerous, complex mechanisms as to why the disease developed in the first place. Typically, it’s toxicity from many sources in the body, and all of this toxicity should be removed. Raising glutathione levels is one piece of the puzzle and will undoubtedly give multiple benefits, however, glutathione is not necessarily a cure. While quality of life and health will increase, glutathione may not be the only thing necessary to reverse MS. Every person is different, but glutathione can absolutely benefit every single person, disease stricken or not.

If you feel glutathione would be beneficial to you, there is now a new and extremely exciting way to increase glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione has been notoriously difficult to supplement with because 1) oral glutathione is destroyed by the stomach’s acid (which means we can’t eat it), 2) glutathione is rapidly metabolized in the body (meaning levels don’t stay elevated for too long).

Previously, the only effective way to supplement with glutathione had been to give it in IV form, which still wasn’t even very effective because levels would return to normal within 2 hours after the IV had been performed, and IV’s had to be given three times a week for any real therapeutic effect.

This is why, for those of us who realize what the Lifewave patches, understand what an amazing potential lives within the Lifewave glutathione patch. This patch has been shown in clincial research to increase the levels of glutathione within the body by 300% in as little as 24 hours. The health implications of this are astounding. The patch can also be worn as frequently as one desires, which means levels can stay elevated indefinitely. The glutathione patches are also only a fraction of the cost of IV therapy; one package lasts a whole month or longer!

If you suffer from MS or another ailment or you simply want to improve your health, then try the glutathione patch. This technology is extremely effective and also extremely safe. Nothing enters through your skin from the patch. The patch contains no drugs. There are no side effects associated from use of the patches.

For more information, visit our website at www.blitzthewave.com. If you’d like to order, you can do so directly by clicking here. Lifewave’s official website is www.lifewave.com and our personal distributor ID # is 727136.

Here’s also a link for more information on how glutathione can impact MS and other diseases from one of the world’s leading physicians on the topic, click here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Head Protocol For Tremors

There is a certain placement of patches that can result in many interesting benefits, one of them being reduced tremors. Lifewave distributors simply call this the head protocol.

There is one disease in particular in which tremors are most notably associated, but since Lifewave does not claim to cure any disease, I will refrain from mentioning any particular illnesses.

The symptom I am referring to today that has been noted to be greatly relieved by the patches is tremors.

We know glutathione can help relieve tremors in certain sufferers. While glutathione is given in IV form with great success, I do not hesitate to say our patches do an even better job.

There are multiple benefits over using the patches than receiving IV glutathione. For starters, it’s much less expensive. Frequent doctor trips aren’t necessary. The patches can be used in the comfort and convenience of home, but most importantly, the patches can be worn all the time.

You see, IV glutathione does not last long. After about two hours, the effects wear off since the half life of glutathione is only a mere seven minutes. Glutathione is given in IV form three times a week, but the patches can be worn all the time. When one patch wears out, simply replace it!

Additionally, since the glutathione patch can increase levels of glutathione in the body up to 300%, I’d say the patches are just as effective as IV glutathione, perhaps even more so.

Clearly, the benefits of the patches are obvious, so without further ado, here is the head protocol that can be used by anyone who experiences uncontrollable tremors and would like to get some relief.

Head Protocol:

Place one glutathione patch on the very top of the head (for women it will be in the hair- sorry). Now, you’ll need two sets of energy patches. Place one white energy patch on the right temple and one tan energy patch on the left temple. Next, take one white energy patch and place it in the middle of the forehead in the “third eye” position. Lastly, take one tan energy patch and place it on the back of the head (also in the hair) right near that protrusion of head bone.

This head protocol is extremely effective and beneficial in other instances (which I will cover in greater detail in another post) too.

So, if you have someone dear to you affected by tremors, tell them about this protocol and have them try it. Relief is within reach and with our 30 day guarantee, there’s absolutely no reason not to try something new.

*The patches do not interfere with any medications, so they are completely compatible.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Glutathione and Infertility

True to my word, here is another impact glutathione can have on health. Infertility. Infertility rates in this country are on the rise. Somewhere around 9% of childbearing couples experience infertility. The United States has one of the highest rates. So what’s going on with Americans that we can no longer get pregnant? Surely it must be something in our environment, some way we’re living our lives. Well, it is.

Did you know at least 11% of infertility has no known cause? It’s called unexplained infertility. This means the doctor can’t figure out what’s going on. He can’t find anything wrong.

Oxidative stress is the most overlooked cause of infertility, in fact many doctors don’t know much about it. Oxidative stress is a process in the body that results in free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can be damaging to the inside of our bodies. Disease such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and yep, infertility can be caused by oxidative stress.

When these free radicals are present in male and female reproductive organs, infertility can result.

Oxidative stress can be linked to PCOS, endometriosis, and deformed sperm.

So what triggers oxidative stress? While free radicals can be made in our bodies from normal processes within our bodies, they can also be made from, pollution. We are living in a toxic soup. These toxins can create free radicals in the body and many of us are incredibly toxic.

So what do we do? This is where antioxidants come into play. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals and protect our internal tissues. Guess what the body’s master antioxidant is? Glutathione. And did you know that patch is the most efficient and effective way to increase glutathione levels in the body? It sure is.

Not only can glutathione help in cases of infertility, it can help with overall health as well.

Acupuncture has also been shown effective in treating cases of infertility, and it’s quite interesting that the Lifewave patches are often likened to needleless acupuncture.

So, the next time you meet someone with infertility, tell them about Lifewave.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Effective Detox

I have recently learned of very effective detox points for the patches to be placed.

The glutathione and carnosine patches very efficiently aid the body in detoxification. Until recently, I had been utilizing the point placements in the brochures. I seem to have been getting better results from a new location I’ve been wearing.

Now, the brochure recommends switching days with the glutathione and carnosine. I, however, wear them both at the same time. The purpose of their advice is to aid in preventing strong detox symptoms (nausea, weakness, fatigue, headaches). The patches are very effective. For those who may be new to detoxifying or have a lot of toxins, it may be too much to wear them both at the same time (meaning you’ll begin to experience detox symptoms). It isn’t necessary for anyone to be uncomfortable or experience detox symptoms, so Lifewave as a company makes this blanket recommendation.

As a distributor, I can say, however, that which patches you choose to wear and when is determined by individual tolerance. I’ve worked hard at detoxing my body and since I want to have the benefits of both glutathione and carnosine all the time, I wear them both (but I don’t experience uncomfortable detox symptoms either). So, it’s very individualized, but I can say, that the patches will not harm you and so if you are comfortable, you can wear both at the same time.

I also wear both patches at night when I sleep. There are some people who cannot wear the patches during sleep for several reasons. For some people, their sleep is interrupted or unrestful. If this is the case with you, then don’t wear them at night because rejuvenating sleep is important. For me, I find they actually allow me to sleep very well, so I wear them at night. At night is also when the body repairs itself and detoxifies. For some, wearing the patches at night gives them such a rapid detox that they wake up in the morning with a headache or other symptoms that are not pleasant. If this happens to you, you certainly don’t need to wear them at night.

With that being said, if you can tolerate wearing both patches and at night without experiencing any unpleasant detox symptoms, then I’ve discovered a very effective way to detox. I place the glutathione on my right and the carnosine on my left. I place them on my neck on either side of my thyroid. This allows the body to detox very efficiently. I like to get the biggest bang for my buck so to speak.

It’s important to know that any detox symptoms are not side effects per se of the patches. There has never been one negative side effect reported with the use of the patches. If you experience detox symptoms (while they may not be fun), basically this is your body getting out the toxins. This is extremely important. Your body must eliminate these toxins for you to be healthy, and since the toxins are harmful to the body, removing them from the body is not always pleasant. This can be a side effect of detoxing in general, and is not a side effect from the patches. What’s great about detoxing with the patches, however, is that you can control your detox to a point. Simply remove the patches if you experience any detox discomfort. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush the toxins out.

For more information, www.detoxtohealth.com.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Type 3 Diabetes

Many of us are aware of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a new type of diabetes? They are calling this type of diabetes Type, and it is caused by electropollution.

What exactly is electropollution?

Electropollution is the chaos of frequencies our bodies are bombarded with by electronic devices such as cell phones, televisions, laptops, and so on. It has long been known that these frequencies are disruptive to the human body because they are not the frequencies on which our bodies operate. These frequencies are responsible for the rundown tired feelings one experiences when spending the entire day in front of the t.v. or computer.

Notice the difference in how you would feel while driving in rush hour traffic versus being near a waterfall. This is the difference in the electromagnetic fields produced in various settings. Negative ions are known to be beneficial to the body and are in notably higher concentrations near a waterfall. Positive ions can be hazardous to our health, which consequently, are abundant in a traffic jam.

Dr. Magda Havas and her team of researchers have recently published their findings on electropollution and the effects it can have on blood sugar levels in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Dr. Havas has discovered there are certain people that are more drastically affected by electropollution than others. These people experience an increase in their blood sugar when being around devices emitting “dirty” electricity.

It is not yet known how many sufferers of the other two types of diabetes are really undiagnosed Type 3 diabetics.

What does this have to do with Lifewave?

There are things that can be done in order to minimize the effects of electropollution, but there is no way to escape it completely. This is the world we now live in, and we must protect ourselves accordingly.

Glutathione has been shown to be able to help stabilize blood sugar levels within the body. It is also responsible for helping us to detoxify because it is the body’s master antioxidant. As we are able to detoxify, our immune systems become strengthened (in addition to other health producing activities). Keeping the immune system strong is a key factor in aiding our bodies against the effects of electropollution.

Lifewave nor I are making any claims that the glutathione patch will cure your diabetes. Research has shown, however, that when wearing the glutathione patch the body is capable of increasing its glutathione levels by 300%, offering numerous benefits. Glutathione is an important means of protection and strengthening of the body’s defenses and helping the body stabilize its blood sugar levels.

Have you got your glutathione today?

Included below are links to the actual study done. Very interesting reading.



Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Amino Acids

People are starting to take notice of Lifewave’s glutathione patch. A quick google search of what glutathione can do will really boggle the mind.

What I’ve recently learned however, is that for the body to produce glutathione, it must have the essential amino acids it needs to function. Amino acids are called essential because our body can’t make them. We must get them from our food sources. This is important because vegetarians sometimes have trouble getting their amino acids.

Now, this was of interest to me being a vegetarian myself. I’m a big advocate of the diet. It is very easy to get amino acids without eating meat, it’s just that you have to know how to do it. Some vegetarians don’t.

This applies to the patches because the glutathione patch may not work as well in signaling the body to make more glutathione if the amino acids are missing or low.

So, if you find that you aren’t getting the results you wanted and expected from the patch and you don’t eat much meat, then this is something to be aware of. The only corrective measure to be taken is to start making sure you’re getting the amino acids you need from your diet. If you’re worried about getting them from what you eat, there are great supplements on the market as well that ensures a healthy amino acid intake.

Good info to be aware of.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Glutathione and Parkinson's

I have recently been doing research on glutathione and have been amazed by what I am finding. Glutathione is truly one fascinating antioxidant, and I will be covering one by one the things glutathione can do. Today I wanted to share some information I found on glutathione’s role in Parkinson’s Disease.

Disclaimer: While Lifewave does manufacture a glutathione patch that can increase glutathione levels in the body by 300% within 24 hours, Lifewave nor I are making any medical claims to the patches treating, curing, diagnosing, or preventing any diseases. Therefore, I am not claiming Lifewave’s glutathione patch will cure anyone’s Parkinson’s. I am simply sharing what an important role this vital antioxidant can play in the body. Always consult a medical professional if you have questions about your health. You are left to draw your own conclusions as an intelligent, capable human being.

It was discovered in the 1980’s that sufferers of Parkinson’s have a high deficiency of glutathione in the brain. In addition, Parkinson’s patients are known to be deficient in dopamine. Interesting enough, glutathione increases the sensitivity of dopamine receptors in the brain. This is where glutathione can play a primary role in the therapy of easing the symptoms of Parkinson’s.

There is a physician pioneering this work in Florida. So far, patients are only able to receive glutathione in IV form. Oral glutathione is broken down by our stomach acid, making it ineffective. Until now, it has been hard to treat with glutathione. IV glutathione is effective, but it is given three times a week, making it necessary to get stuck with a needle three times weekly. Many people don’t want to do this. I don’t want to steer you wrong though. Insurance often pays for the IV glutathione in this case, which is a large factor. This particular physician states he can teach any physician how to administer it and often times, patients and family members can learn to do it at home. These are all nice things, but…

Now, there is another way. The glutathione patch signals to the body to make more glutathione; the body’s very own naturally made glutathione. This is what I like about the patches. They are also so much easier than IV’s and doctor visits. You simply stick them on your body and go about your day. Of course, I have not yet heard of insurance paying for the patches, so this may be cost prohibitive for some people. I would venture a guess, though, that a month’s supply of glutathione patches that could offer relief of symptoms would be worth paying for to those who are suffering. It’s a very nice and exciting option to have.

I do not yet know of the effectiveness of the patches versus the IV treatments. I do know IV glutathione is utilized and broken down in the body rather quickly, which is why an IV must be administered every other day. Glutathione therapy can also be administered for life, but getting an IV three times a week can be weary compared to wearing a simple patch. Where as IV glutathione has to continually be replaced, the patches can be worn more frequently (within the recommended useage by the company, of course), thereby keeping glutathione levels possibly elevated indefinitely with continued use of the patches.

If you’d like to order glutathione patches for yourself, go to www.lifewave.com. Use the ID# 727136 (this is the only way to order the patches, with an ID #).

If you want more information on Dr. Perlmutter, the physician administering glutathione therapy via IV, go to his website www.glutathioneexperts.com. The video Dr. Perlmutter shows on his website of the before and after of a patient being treated with IV glutathione is incredible! The evidence is hard to ignore.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Can You Overdose on the Patch?

This is a great question, and the short answer is no. Since the patches are so effective, people often wonder if the patch can cause too much of a good thing. We know the patches can signal to the body to increase energy or increase melatonin or increase glutathione or increase carnosine, but can the patches cause the body to increase these things too much?

Something that is not too well understood about the patches is that they don’t cause the body to do anything. They send a signal to the body (which is a specific frequency of energy) that basically asks the body to do a specific thing such as make more glutathione. The body, however, gets to choose whether or not it wants to accept. If the body is low on glutathione or energy or melatonin, then it will most likely accept and make more of it. The patch basically stimulates this production. The body is extremely efficient. It doesn’t waste its resources, and it regulates itself well when it’s operating well. So, the patches are not going to make the body produce too much of something.

There are many reasons why the body may need some help in the form of an energy signal to stimulate it to do what it’s supposed to be doing. Ideally, our bodies should operate with 100% efficiency. In our world, this doesn’t always happen. Our bodies are bombarded with toxins. These toxins run us down and cause our bodies to not work as well as they should. We often don’t eat right. We don’t get proper sleep, exercise, sunshine, or fresh air. Our bodies need these things, but they can be hard to do for many people. This is where the patches come in.

If our bodies aren’t doing something they are supposed to be doing naturally because they are so run down, the patches can give this signal to the body to assist the body in doing what it’s already supposed to be doing anyway. This is when the body accepts the signal and starts functioning as it should. The patches cannot cause the body to do anything the body isn’t already doing or supposed to be doing. This is why Dr. Haltiwanger calls the patches a “body tuneup.”

Now, the patches will not cause miracles if the body doesn’t have the most basic things it needs to work. The body needs to be properly hydrated and have the proper amino acids and minerals for the patches to help the body’s functioning. The patches do not cause the body to create results out of nothing. So if you’re having trouble getting results with the patches, these are things that need to be checked.

In conclusion, the patches cannot harm the body or cause the body to overmake any substances. They do not cause side effects in the body. The body simply draws energy from the patches (specific frequencies of energy that communicate with the body on whichever frequency is needed to produce a specific outcome) to use this energy to perform its necessary functions.