There have been reports of people experiencing various tastes in their mouth when they apply the Y-Age patches. There is an explanation for this, so don’t be alarmed.
It’s interesting, actually. People can experience a metallic taste if they have been exposed to a lot of heavy metals in their life, or others who used to be smokers will all the sudden taste a cigarette. Still others will report a taste of anesthesia years after they’ve had surgery of any type.
All these things are toxic things to the body, and this is proof they actually get stored in the body. The body releases as much as it can at the time, but residual effects do get left. All the body wants to do is protect itself from these harmful toxins. It gets out as much as it can. It neutralizes or stores the rest of it in places to not do us harm, such as our body fat.
This is a widely documented phenomenon, not unique to Lifewave. All types of energetic or body work can produce these results as the body releases these toxic compounds.
The explanation for the patches: they simply assist the body in detoxifying. While the taste may be unpleasant, be thankful your body is getting those toxins out!