Here is another testmonial from a tester of the X-15 patch. We’ve made it no secret that we LOVE this patch. It’s exciting to hear about people’s lives being changed by these products.
“Initial test group results from our newest anti-aging patch, code-named "X-15" (the actual name will be announced at the product launch), are causing waves of excitement. Here is one user's experience:
For years, Don experienced vascular issues in his left leg as a result of shrapnel wounds he suffered in the Vietnam War. The complications recently escalated to the point that Don thought he might need vascular surgery.
Before he started using X-15, Don had undergone a vascular lab test which confirmed the deteriorating condition in his leg. Recently, his leg was evaluated again and the results of that test left the lab technician at a loss. There was such a marked improvement (more than 20 percent) that the technician actually asked if Don had undergone surgery since his last test. Don attributes the improvement to use of the X-15 patch.
The X-15 patch is scheduled to be released in January 2011. Look for more news on X-15 in the near future.”