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Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Book Review: Twitter Marketing For Dummies By Kyle Placy

I loved this book! Kyle Placy expertly navigates us through the world of Twitter marketing with personable writing that is both easy to read and often times humorous.

Some have kept up with the growing trend of Twitter well, but many of us still favor old school ways of marketing. Placy clearly examines why businesses cannot afford to ignore Twitter and the internet in general for their business purposes.

In this book, the reader will be exposed to marketing tactics and etiquette on Twitter and how to tie these in with offline marketing strategies, attracting sales leads, reaching genuine customers, building a Twitter following, improving customer service, relating to the public, thought leadership, producing quality content, and do and don’ts for Twitter. There is a wealth of information contained in this book that is sure to get every reader off on the right track.

My favorite part of this book is the various Twitter app mentions and explanations littered throughout the book. There are many good ones and Placy outlines the best ones and what they do. This information is not necessarily obvious to everyone, but it’s so helpful. Where else are we to learn about the various resources out there for Twitter? If you’re using the main Twitter page to conduct your business, you’re making it a whole lot harder for yourself. There are apps you can download such as Tweet Deck and Hoot Suite to make using Twitter a whole lot easier. There’s also a lot of things you can track on Twitter, such as your name being mentioned, who’s talking to who, what your competition mostly tweets about, statistics on the links you place, who stops following you, tweets coming from nearby locations to you, how to find and build authentic followers, and much more. Placy explains all this information in detail, which makes using Twitter a whole lot more efficient and effective.

This information has helped me tremendously. If you’d like your own copy, click here.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book Review: The Social Media Marketing Book

Can your business afford not to be using social media for marketing? Find out:

I recently completed the book The Social Media Marketing Book by Dan Zarella, and I wanted to share with others what I thought of it.

This book was very good. Zarella clearly has a vast knowledge of the inner workings of social media. This book gives detailed information on how to make your marketing efforts work on the internet.

Using social media is quickly becoming one of the best tools to effectively grow a business whether your company is brick and mortar or based online. Businesses who have an online presence has a serious advantage over businesses who don't.

Marketing on the internet with social media is the way of the future, so it's best to learn exactly how to be successful at it. Zarella explains a vast array of concepts. In this book, the reader learns how to market with Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Digg, Reddit, LinkedIn, and many, many others. Becoming educated on this information is a little daunting at first because there is so much out there, but Zarella keeps the information simple and fresh.

An effective tool Zarella uses in his book is pictures of web pages of whichever topic he is discussing. This breaks up the text and allows readers to become familiar with various websites without even having to visit them.

What I loved the most, however, is that the book was published in 2010, so the information is current as this book is just hot off the presses.

This book is a quick and easy read. There's a lot of information packed within the pages, and I believe anyone who wants to grow their business and stay up to date with the current technology should read this book.

Watch a video about it for yourself.

If you'd like to get your hands on a copy for yourself, this link will take you to Amazon.com.