Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label Y Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Y Age. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Best Anti-Aging Acupoints - Part 1

Most people only think of acupuncture as a therapy for dealing with pain, while the anti-aging benefits of the modality are lesser known. The fact is there are a number of powerful anti-aging acupoints that can help you feel and look younger. Regular weekly stimulation of the following points with Energy Enhancer and Y-Age patches can help protect the body and maintain health:

Acupoint: Kidney 1 (K1)
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones
Background: Indicated for returning energy and calming spirit; cleanses, clears stagnant energy, regenerates, and gives rebirth to energy

Acupoint: Spleen 6 (SP6)
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone
Background: Good for restoring and nourishing the blood and moisture (dehydration is often associated with aging), bringing strength to the whole body

Acupoint: Stomach 36 (ST36)
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone
Background: Indicated for returning energy, and strengthens weak conditions

Acupoint: Large Intestine 4 (LI4)
Location: On the back of the hand, in the web, on the highest point of the soft tissue when a loose fist is made.
Background: Known as the "Great Eliminator," removing toxins from both body and mind

Acupoint: Triple Burner 23 (TB23)
Location: In the depression at the temple
Background: Brings Fire energy or warmth back to one's core. This has the opposite effect of aging, where the inner warmth often diminishes over time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lifewave's Homeopathic Sprays: Y Age

The spray I'd like to introduce you to today is my favorite by far. This spray works for all sorts of things from sunburns, low energy, mosquito bites, and on the face for a nice toned look. It has even gotter rid of my blemishes. Whoo hoo. Spray this spray on the skin for most benefit, and be sure to wear with the Y Age patches because their effects are too powerful to miss out on.

Here's what the Y Age spray is useful for:

•Restful sleep
•Sense of well being
•Energy & strength
•Muscle tone
•Lean body mass
•Smoother skin
•Good on sunburns
•Useful for bug bites, especially mosquitoes

For more information, visit us here or to order click here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Attention Distributors: November's Promo is Here!

Hi Team,

Get Ready for a New You in the New Year!

Elevate antioxidant levels, detoxify your body, and supercharge your immune system – all in time for the New Year and the launch of the new X-15 patch!

From November 1 through January 2 you can take advantage of promotional pricing on a special combination package of Y-Age Glutathione and Y-Age Carnosine – including 30 patches of each product – for $99.95. The regular pricing for these items would be $119.90. In addition, you will receive 100 Business Volume (BV) points for this promotional package!

This is the perfect opportunity to use Y-Age to release stored toxins in order to reap maximum benefits from the new X-15 patch, which will be launched on January 7, 2011. X-15 provides its own unique detoxification pathways and anti-aging benefits. Anecdotal evidence from our X-15 focus group study suggests that detoxifying with the Y-Age products might better prepare a user to deal with the detoxification effects of X-15.

Although many people do experience benefits from our Y-Age patches within the first week of use - such as detoxification - as this is an anti-aging system, we recommend using these products for at least 90 days to see more complete benefits.

Check your back office for more information!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Exploring The Lifewave Patches: Y Age

So what on Earth are the Y Age patches? So far, we have explored patches that can increase your energy, eliminate your pain, and give you the best sleep of your life. This is no easy feat, yet there are two other patches that do even more.

The Y Age patches are actually two different patches that have different purposes. The first patch is the glutathione patch. This patch increases the level of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. It helps the body detoxify, slows aging, improves health, and increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants. If you could supplement with only one antioxidant, glutathione would be it, yet it's hard to supplement with because our stomach acid destroys it. Studies on this patch have shown it increases glutathione levels in the body by 300%, and the best part if it's the body's own glutathione.

The second patch is the carnosine patch. It helps repair old cells, lessen the appearance of scars, heal wounds faster, and improve athletic performance. This antioxidant has often been referred to as the fountain of youth.

Both of these patches come in one pack of patches. The package will last for one month. The patches should be rotated each day, so one day you'll wear the glutathione patch and the next, carnosine. The patches also improve the quality of the skin, decreasing wrinkles, eliminating breakouts, and increasing the softness of the skin.

For more information, visit us here or to purchase, click here.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hate Mosquitoes? Try This.

I hate getting bit by mosquitoes. I hate it so much in fact that I moved across the country to be away from them. They seem to love me and nearly eat me alive. While I made it through the first summer of my life with not one mosquito bite compliments of Arizona, it’s now mosquito season in the great AZ. Since our weather here has become so nice of late, I like to spend time sitting on my patio at night enjoying this lovely place I call home. The only problem is these pesky bugs.

I recently heard the Y Age spray is effective against all bug bites, particularly mosquitoes. Hey, with the way I get bit, I’ll try anything. So, I did. The Y Age spray is already my favorite. It helps with sunburns, skin aging, pimples, and all types of things. I LOVE it! So, I tried some on my multitude of bites.

And do you know what? I was really shocked to feel the itching dissipate. High five for Lifewave. If mosquitoes are as big of a problem for you as they are for me, then give this a try. Before the spray I tried just about everything I could think of. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
The spray isn’t expensive, and you can check it out here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Weird Tastes in Mouth From Wearing Patches?

There have been reports of people experiencing various tastes in their mouth when they apply the Y-Age patches. There is an explanation for this, so don’t be alarmed.

It’s interesting, actually. People can experience a metallic taste if they have been exposed to a lot of heavy metals in their life, or others who used to be smokers will all the sudden taste a cigarette. Still others will report a taste of anesthesia years after they’ve had surgery of any type.

All these things are toxic things to the body, and this is proof they actually get stored in the body. The body releases as much as it can at the time, but residual effects do get left. All the body wants to do is protect itself from these harmful toxins. It gets out as much as it can. It neutralizes or stores the rest of it in places to not do us harm, such as our body fat.

This is a widely documented phenomenon, not unique to Lifewave. All types of energetic or body work can produce these results as the body releases these toxic compounds.

The explanation for the patches: they simply assist the body in detoxifying. While the taste may be unpleasant, be thankful your body is getting those toxins out!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Summer’s Sunburns

This is the last day for our exploration of the Y Age sprays benefits. I’m sure there are plenty of benefits that we haven’t mentioned, and as always, as I learn more, I will keep updating. The last benefit that we’ll discuss today is the use of the Y Age spray on sunburns.

Typically, people use aloe vera gel on sunburns. This can be helpful, but not if you buy the typical gel in stores. These gels are filled with toxic ingredients not helpful for anything. If you do want to use aloe vera gel, best to purchase it as pure aloe in a health food store. It’s more watery than an actual gel, but it’s not loaded with yuck ingredients.

You can also use apple cider vinegar for sunburns.

Now, sunscreens are also an issue because they cause all sorts of problems if you buy the typical sunscreen. There’s toxic ingredients in them that have actually been proven to cause cancer.

There are natural ways to build up your resistance to the sun, and that’s primarily in the nutrition you eat.

If you do happen to get a sunburn, however, many users of the Y Age spray have reported benefits of relief from the burn and a quicker repair of the skin from using the Y Age spray. This spray is an actual homeopathic medicine that helps in repairing damaged cells, just like those found in a sunburn. This is why it works so well.

No one likes a sunburn, but there are ways to help it; the Y Age spray being the easiest and a powerful way to help our skin heal.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Y Age Away Those Wrinkles

I don’t yet have wrinkles, so I’ll have to take others’ advice on this, but in the Lifewave community, other distributors have been reporting a reduction in their fine lines and wrinkles from using the Y Age products; patches and spray included.

As the body detoxifies, the skin can retain a clearer, smoother complexion. These products actually assist with cellular repair, and that results in younger looking skin.

If you feel your skin could use a lift, and you’d like a fresher, younger appearance, then why not try the Y Age products. The spray is completely affordable, and it comes with a 30 day guarantee if you don’t like it.

You can get yours by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Y Age Your Way To Clear Skin

Keeping in line with this week’s posts, here’s another benefit of the Y Age spray. I use it directly onto my face each night for pimple reduction. If I use it regularly, my pimples diminish, and old breakouts and scars are beginning to lessen. If I forget to use it for a few days in a row, sure enough, a pimple will rear it’s ugly head.

I use the Y Age patches too, which aid in detoxifying the body, a key element in pimple reduction. When our insides are filled with toxins, it will manifest on our skin in the form of pimples and wrinkles. Our skin is a way for our body to detox as well as by other means.

While I love the glutathione and carnosine patches, the Y Age spray seemed to be what made a difference for me. As soon as I started using it, I watched my face clear up. I had already been using the Y Age patches for a while, and while they are beneficial, the spray seemed to be a turning point for my skin.
The key is to remember to use it, and of course, your results may vary. There is no set time frame to expect results because each individual varies so greatly, but I do believe everyone can experience results.

The Y Age spray is actual homeopathic medicine, so if there’s any infection associated with the breakouts, there’s a good liklihood that the spray may be effective in handling that condition as well.

If anyone else has tried this, I’d love to hear your stories. Post a comment below or shoot me an email. blitzthewave@gmail.com.

Order your spray, here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Unique Way To Get More Energy For The Day

Who doesn’t need more energy throughout the day? It’s one of the biggest complaints of our time. We already know the Energy Enhancer patches can work wonders, but it was recently shared amongst Lifewave distributors that some people have been having luck with and enjoying using the Y-Age spray for purposes of energy. There is an Energy Enhancer spray, but apparently, the Y Age spray works as well.

Spray the Y Age spray directly onto your face for a refreshing pick me up. I use this spray on my face because I like what it does for my skin. It helps control breakouts on my face and makes my face smoother. I usually use it before I go to bed, so I have not yet experienced the energizing effects, but I thought to pass this along.

I am going to being using it on my face in the mornings too (not a bad idea for beauty standards either), and I’ll report back with what I find.
If you have some of this spray at home, try it and see if you notice any difference. If you do, tell us about it: blitzthewave@gmail.com.

If you want your own Y Age spray, click here to purchase.

Happy Spraying!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Glorious Y-Age Spray

This week I’m planning to do a post each day on what the Y-Age spray can do. I love this spray very dearly. I use it every day, and I really enjoy it.

So, today I’d like to point out that this spray is safe and contains no alcohol, which means it is safe to spray directly into the eyes. It’s a great eye lubricant for dry eyes. It helps keep the eyes young and functioning well. I’ve been using it in my eyes to see if it helps to improve my vision at all. This is not necessarily an intended benefit, but I’m curious, so that’s what I’m doing. I’ve just started, so I’ll keep you posted, but if it does help to correct my vision, I’ll be sure to be screaming it from the rooftops. We’ll see.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rid Those Migraines Once And For All

Are you a sufferer of migraines? My husband was for years. It was debilitating for him. He could always tell when one was coming on, and it would bring our lives to a screeching halt. I’ve never suffered from migraines, so it was hard for me to understand what he was dealing with. He couldn’t tolerate lights or sounds. He’d spend large amounts of time in the restroom, vomiting. I felt for him, so I began researching what could help him solve this problem.

What I discovered was that almost all migraines result from a liver/gallbladder energetic imbalance. The liver is our detoxification system of our bodies. It’s the garbage can, so it needs to be properly supported. The best way we’ve found to give the liver a boost is to detoxify the body. Detoxifying can result in great improvements in health and effects many different situations in the body, migraines included. Detoxification is important for overall health, migraines merely being a symptom that is eliminated. We’re constantly bombarded by toxins in our environment. They’re everywhere, and while we can’t escape them completely, we can reduce our exposure through conscience choices. Eating organic food, drinking purified water, improving our indoor air quality, and switching out our personal care products for less toxic ones are powerful ways to limit our exposure.

What we did to detoxify, however, involves the Lifewave patches. Lifewave makes two patches as part of the Y-Age system: glutathione and carnosine. These are important antioxidants manufactured in our bodies, but due to the onslaught of toxins, most of our bodies are increasingly low on these two antioxidants. Glutathione and carnosine work to detoxify the body, thereby increasing overall health in the body, the disappearrance of migraines being a side effect of this. The patches are a powerful way to detoxify the body. There are many ways to detoxify, most of which are beneficial and have merit, but the patches are the absolute easiest way. I know because I’ve tried a lot of detoxes, some of which left me lying on the couch, too sick to get up because of the detox symptoms. Whenever you detox too rapidly, you can experience symptoms that don’t feel good such as weakness, fatigue, headaches, body aches, flu like symptoms, runny nose, rashes, bowel changes, amongst others. I’ve had all of these.

With other detoxes, you can’t control your detox, so you just have to go with the symptoms, even if it disrupts your life. With the patches, the benefits of the patches stop when you take them off, so if you happen to detox too rapidly, simply remove the patches, drink extra water to flush out the toxins, and the symptoms will dissipate. It’s the easiest detox you’ll find, yet it works very well.

My husband has not had one migraine since starting to detoxify with the patches. He’s thrilled, and I’m thrilled. As you detox, if you do get a migraine or headache, drinking water is the best way to relieve the underlying causes of the migraine, and the pain patches are the best way to instantly relieve the pain.

This is a powerful protocol to rid those migraines forever because who has time to revolve their life around a migraine.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Which Patch Can I Wear With What?

Lifewave gives certain recommendations of which patches to be used together, but there is some confusion on this topic. I’d like to explain the patch recommendations to help alleviate this confusion.

Let me start by saying that the patches are incredibly safe. This is a very safe technology. You can wear any of the patches together, and your body is not going to be harmed, however, the purpose of Lifewave’s recommendations is so that you experience the most benefit from use of the patches.

Basically, when using the patches, each body is going to respond to the patches a little differently. We all have energy, but since our energy is constantly moving, not even our own bodies will respond the same way each time. We’re all different. This is why different placement points work better on some individuals than others. It’s just about finding what placements and patches your body resonates with.

With that said, most people will find that the energy or pain patches keep them up at night. The sleep patch may make you sleepy during the day. This is why it’s best to wear the sleep patch at night and energy or pain patches during the day. This is why these patches are typically not recommended to be worn together. I can tell you for myself though that when I get pain relief from the pain patches, I do not take them off, which means I sleep in them. I personally can sleep with the energy or pain patches, and I sleep just fine. This is true just for myself though. others may be different. It’s all about personal tolerance.

Now, with the Y Age, sleep, and SP6 patches, they all aid the body in detoxifying. If you have a lot of toxins to release, then you have to find the right combination of use with these patches for you. You’re not going to be harmed from wearing all of them together, but you may experience detoxification symptoms. The patches are very effective. Detoxification symptoms are experienced when a large amount of toxins are released at a time. Everyone is going to have a personal tolerance level as to how many different types of patches they can wear and for what periods of time. It’s important to remember that detoxifying is of the utmost importance, but with the patches, it does not need to be unpleasant. Symptoms of detoxification include, headache, nausea, weakness, amongst several others. These feelings may not always be pleasant, but it’s important to remember that if you do experience these symptoms, your body is perfectly okay. You are okay. It’s important to get those toxins out, however, if you do experience these symptoms, remove the patch or patches, drink extra water to flush out the toxins, and try again in a day or two.

The SP6 and Y Age patches are not recommended to be used at night simply because our bodies detoxify the most at night, so you have a decent chance of waking up with a headache or other unpleasant symptom.

I can say for myself, however, that I regularly wear a combination of patches. I never experience detoxification symptoms. I can even sleep in whichever patches I want without experiencing any negative side effects. The patches are incredibly safe and not one negative side effect has ever been associated with their use (please note: detoxification symptoms are not a side effect. They are actually a benefit because the patches are clearly working in aiding the body to detoxify as they are intended to do). My experience will be different from others’ experiences, however, and I should mention that I had to do quite extensive detoxification to be able to be detoxified enough to wear whichever patches I want when I want.

Overall, listen to your body and figure out what you respond to best.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Protect Yourself From Toxic BP Oil Fumes

For those living in cities near or around the Gulf, toxic fumes from the BP oil spill are undoubtedly affecting your health. Breathing in fumes such as these damage internal tissues and can manifest in a wide-ranging array of symptoms.

Luckily, Lifewave can help. If you live in these areas, it is imperative to be taking even better care of yourself than you normally would or disease is sure to result. In this situation, protection is needed. The importance of detoxifying cannot be overstated.

This may sound fine and dandy, but how on Earth are you supposed to protect yourself and detoxify? You've got a busy life and schedule, and you may not have time to worry about such things. That's okay, we still have an extremely effective method that won't take any more than 30 seconds before you're walking out the door in the morning.

In case you didn't already know, Lifewave manufactures patches. How can a patch help protect you? Well, these patches are different than any other patch system on the market. Nothing goes into the skin with these patches instead they work by energy. This may sound strange at first, but it's very similar to acupuncture, only even more beneficial. Acupuncture has a proven track record of over 5,000 years of use. It's benefits are well known.

The first set of patches you'll need are the Y Age patches. There are two patches in this system: glutathione and carnosine. Glutahione and carnosine are actually two very important antioxidants manufactured in our bodies. They offer protection for all sorts of things, many of which are highlighted in other posts on this blog. They also help the body to detoxify. What the patch does is send a signal to the body, and the body then makes more of these antioxidants. You can't afford not to have this protectin when you're breathing in toxic fumes.

The next important patch is the Silent Nights sleep patch. The sleep patch increases melatonin levels in the body. What if you don't have trouble sleeping? This patch is still important because melatonin is also a very potent antioxidant in the body. It's a hormone too, and it promotes sleep, but it also detoxifies the body in a very powerful way. Melatonin is thought to be the only antioxidant that can actally detoxify from the inside of the nucleus of a cell. This is where our DNA is kept, so essentially, melatonin may be able to prevent damage to our DNA. This is exciting news.

When the body is under constant attack from toxins, such as toxic fumes, it's important to adopt habits that don't put the body under even more strain. Getting proper sleep, at least 8 hours a night, is of paramount importance. It's when we sleep that we detoxify the most. Eating nutritious food, drinking pure water, and staying away from processed foods is a great idea. Getting an air purifier or indoor plants is another form of protection. Taking time to de-stress and relax is another key factor. All these suggestions are a good way to have the best possible outcome in this scenario.

Now, the benefits of these habits and the Lifewave patches are certainly not exclusive to those living near the oil spill. These are things we should all be doing regularly for our health if we want to live a long and healthy life.

If you're interested in creating good health for yourself and would like to experience the powerful benefits of the patches yourself, you may purchase them easily directly from Lifewaves website. www.lifewave.com. Be healthy. Be happy.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Glutathione and Infertility

True to my word, here is another impact glutathione can have on health. Infertility. Infertility rates in this country are on the rise. Somewhere around 9% of childbearing couples experience infertility. The United States has one of the highest rates. So what’s going on with Americans that we can no longer get pregnant? Surely it must be something in our environment, some way we’re living our lives. Well, it is.

Did you know at least 11% of infertility has no known cause? It’s called unexplained infertility. This means the doctor can’t figure out what’s going on. He can’t find anything wrong.

Oxidative stress is the most overlooked cause of infertility, in fact many doctors don’t know much about it. Oxidative stress is a process in the body that results in free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can be damaging to the inside of our bodies. Disease such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and yep, infertility can be caused by oxidative stress.

When these free radicals are present in male and female reproductive organs, infertility can result.

Oxidative stress can be linked to PCOS, endometriosis, and deformed sperm.

So what triggers oxidative stress? While free radicals can be made in our bodies from normal processes within our bodies, they can also be made from, pollution. We are living in a toxic soup. These toxins can create free radicals in the body and many of us are incredibly toxic.

So what do we do? This is where antioxidants come into play. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals and protect our internal tissues. Guess what the body’s master antioxidant is? Glutathione. And did you know that patch is the most efficient and effective way to increase glutathione levels in the body? It sure is.

Not only can glutathione help in cases of infertility, it can help with overall health as well.

Acupuncture has also been shown effective in treating cases of infertility, and it’s quite interesting that the Lifewave patches are often likened to needleless acupuncture.

So, the next time you meet someone with infertility, tell them about Lifewave.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Polarity of the Patches

For some people, this post may be uninteresting and that’s okay. I decided to post it anyway. Basically, your body is positively charged in some areas and negatively charged in other areas. This is called the polarity of the body. I’m not going to go into a whole lot of detail on this topic, at least right now.

For those who know a lot about this and were wondering, however, the patches also come with certain polarities. This is why the patches need to be placed in certain locations on the body, and essentially, it’s how the patches function.

The tan patches that come with the Energy Enhancer and Icewave packages are negatively charged. This is why tan is said to be placed on the left and white on the right. The left is negative just like the patch. The white patches and every other patch Lifewave makes is positively charged. They go on the right because that’s where the body is positively charged.

There are many interesting experiments that can be done with the patches to prove this, and I will be listing some in a soon to be forthcoming post. When the patches are placed properly on the body, it makes the body stronger, and the difference is quite noticeable. When the patches are swapped and placed incorrectly, however, the body is made weak. This phenomenon is very clear to see and fun to experiment with.

That’s all the detail I’ll go into for now, but here’s the basic polarities of the patches.

Energy- white- positive, tan- negative
Pain- white- positive, tan- negative
Sleep- positive
Carnosine- positive
Glutathione- positive
SP6- positive

*The sleep and the carnosine patches are less positively charged than the other patches, however, which is what accounts for their more sedative like qualities.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sleep or Carnosine For Knotted Muscles

While we all know Icewave pain patches can relieve pain and decrease inflammation, I’ve recently learned that the carnosine and sleep patches can have calming and sedative-like effects on the body.

Furthermore, it was suggested to me to try the sleep or carnosine patch on chronically knotted muscles I have in my back. This spot in my back produces pain off and on, but it’s really always tight. I wondered what the carnosine or sleep patch might do for me.

I decided to choose the sleep patch first for this purpose. I figured I could wear the sleep patch all night, and hopefully, my muscles would be relaxing while I was sleeping.

It should be noted that my muscles in that spot in my back are usually tight. Sleeping alone does not relieve them, and I often still wake with tight muscles. I do stretch the muscles as I believe it to be beneficial, yet the tightness is never relieved. I've tried massages; they do absolutely nothing for that area of my back.

So, here I was believing I was destined to live this way. I was excited to learn that maybe the sleep patch could benefit me in other ways than just good sleep, so I tried it.

I do have to report that after two nights, my back muscles in two key places have relaxed. They are not knotted up as badly as they were. I still stretch, and if that area experiences pain, I will wear the Icewave patches on it. It’s exciting, though, to not be as tight as I once was.

P.S. I leave the sleep patches on during the day sometimes, which if it doesn’t make you too sleepy, is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. This keeps my muscles relaxed throughout the day, and I can function better.

*Author's Note: A week or so after I had been using the sleep patches regulary on my muscles, I decided to throw carnosine in the mix. I believe carnosine may actually work even better on my knotted back muscles than the sleep patch. I've now switched to the carnosine patches and am trying just that.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Effective Detox

I have recently learned of very effective detox points for the patches to be placed.

The glutathione and carnosine patches very efficiently aid the body in detoxification. Until recently, I had been utilizing the point placements in the brochures. I seem to have been getting better results from a new location I’ve been wearing.

Now, the brochure recommends switching days with the glutathione and carnosine. I, however, wear them both at the same time. The purpose of their advice is to aid in preventing strong detox symptoms (nausea, weakness, fatigue, headaches). The patches are very effective. For those who may be new to detoxifying or have a lot of toxins, it may be too much to wear them both at the same time (meaning you’ll begin to experience detox symptoms). It isn’t necessary for anyone to be uncomfortable or experience detox symptoms, so Lifewave as a company makes this blanket recommendation.

As a distributor, I can say, however, that which patches you choose to wear and when is determined by individual tolerance. I’ve worked hard at detoxing my body and since I want to have the benefits of both glutathione and carnosine all the time, I wear them both (but I don’t experience uncomfortable detox symptoms either). So, it’s very individualized, but I can say, that the patches will not harm you and so if you are comfortable, you can wear both at the same time.

I also wear both patches at night when I sleep. There are some people who cannot wear the patches during sleep for several reasons. For some people, their sleep is interrupted or unrestful. If this is the case with you, then don’t wear them at night because rejuvenating sleep is important. For me, I find they actually allow me to sleep very well, so I wear them at night. At night is also when the body repairs itself and detoxifies. For some, wearing the patches at night gives them such a rapid detox that they wake up in the morning with a headache or other symptoms that are not pleasant. If this happens to you, you certainly don’t need to wear them at night.

With that being said, if you can tolerate wearing both patches and at night without experiencing any unpleasant detox symptoms, then I’ve discovered a very effective way to detox. I place the glutathione on my right and the carnosine on my left. I place them on my neck on either side of my thyroid. This allows the body to detox very efficiently. I like to get the biggest bang for my buck so to speak.

It’s important to know that any detox symptoms are not side effects per se of the patches. There has never been one negative side effect reported with the use of the patches. If you experience detox symptoms (while they may not be fun), basically this is your body getting out the toxins. This is extremely important. Your body must eliminate these toxins for you to be healthy, and since the toxins are harmful to the body, removing them from the body is not always pleasant. This can be a side effect of detoxing in general, and is not a side effect from the patches. What’s great about detoxing with the patches, however, is that you can control your detox to a point. Simply remove the patches if you experience any detox discomfort. Be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush the toxins out.

For more information, www.detoxtohealth.com.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Type 3 Diabetes

Many of us are aware of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a new type of diabetes? They are calling this type of diabetes Type, and it is caused by electropollution.

What exactly is electropollution?

Electropollution is the chaos of frequencies our bodies are bombarded with by electronic devices such as cell phones, televisions, laptops, and so on. It has long been known that these frequencies are disruptive to the human body because they are not the frequencies on which our bodies operate. These frequencies are responsible for the rundown tired feelings one experiences when spending the entire day in front of the t.v. or computer.

Notice the difference in how you would feel while driving in rush hour traffic versus being near a waterfall. This is the difference in the electromagnetic fields produced in various settings. Negative ions are known to be beneficial to the body and are in notably higher concentrations near a waterfall. Positive ions can be hazardous to our health, which consequently, are abundant in a traffic jam.

Dr. Magda Havas and her team of researchers have recently published their findings on electropollution and the effects it can have on blood sugar levels in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. Dr. Havas has discovered there are certain people that are more drastically affected by electropollution than others. These people experience an increase in their blood sugar when being around devices emitting “dirty” electricity.

It is not yet known how many sufferers of the other two types of diabetes are really undiagnosed Type 3 diabetics.

What does this have to do with Lifewave?

There are things that can be done in order to minimize the effects of electropollution, but there is no way to escape it completely. This is the world we now live in, and we must protect ourselves accordingly.

Glutathione has been shown to be able to help stabilize blood sugar levels within the body. It is also responsible for helping us to detoxify because it is the body’s master antioxidant. As we are able to detoxify, our immune systems become strengthened (in addition to other health producing activities). Keeping the immune system strong is a key factor in aiding our bodies against the effects of electropollution.

Lifewave nor I are making any claims that the glutathione patch will cure your diabetes. Research has shown, however, that when wearing the glutathione patch the body is capable of increasing its glutathione levels by 300%, offering numerous benefits. Glutathione is an important means of protection and strengthening of the body’s defenses and helping the body stabilize its blood sugar levels.

Have you got your glutathione today?

Included below are links to the actual study done. Very interesting reading.



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rejuvenate With the Lifewave Lifestyle Package

Lifewave distributors often get asked about the best protocols for anti-aging and rejuvenation. Our answers are always the same. Combine our Energy Enhancer patch with our Y-Age system to achieve the optimal protocol. Add Silent Nights sleep patches to the mix for a very powerful recipe for rejuvenation, detoxification, and energy restoration.

Lifewave has taken this very recipe and announced a special discounted package called the 28 Day Rejuvenation. After 28 days, you could be feeling and looking great, but even more importantly, you’ll be healthier on the inside as well.

To ensure the affordability of this special package, Lifewave is offering the package at only $159.95! With the package comes:

• 2 Energy Enhancer Packages
• 2 Silent Nights Packages
• 1 Y-Age Glutathione Package
• 1 Y-Age Carnosine Package

Normally, this package would cost over $280.00. That’s a savings of over $120.00.

Click here to view how to use this powerful protocol.

This package deal is available until June 30, 2010. The package is only available to distributors. If you’d like information on how to become a distributor, so that you too can enjoy discounts on Lifewave’s products, please email us at blitzthewave@gmail.com. Lifewave’s main website is www.lifewave.com. Our distributor ID # is 727136.