Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diseases. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Body Never Hurts Itself

This topic is not commonly understood in conventional medicine. Disease is viewed as random, having no real preventive mechanisms. The body is seen as incapable of healing or protecting itself. Conventional medicine takes a very odd approach to disease. They detect illness after it has occurred. They cut the problem out of the body as if that actually helps. When the body is in a disease state, cutting out the problem does not bring balance to the body as a whole. You can’t just get rid of any problem by cutting it out with surgery. Conventional medicine uses toxic chemical substances we call medications to poison the body and manipulate it to do foreign functions.

This is a very limited view of the body and a very poor understanding of how the body works. It’s no wonder people don’t understand how the body functions. It’s just not common knowledge in our society.

Today, I want to stress that the body only works to maintain homeostasis within itself. Homeostasis is a balanced state, one in which the body works very efficiently to maintain. If the body is diseased, ill, in pain, etc., this is not a normal state for the body. The body will try to correct these imbalances, however, many times, there are factors preventing the body from doing this. Improper care of the body such as poor nutrition, lack of quality sleep, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, toxins, all of these things contribute to the body having a hard time performing its necessary functions to maintain homeostasis.

Once you understand that it’s the body’s most basic function to maintain a balance, you’ll understand that disease isn’t random, and the body is not out to get itself.

Diseased states of the body result as defense mechanisms for the body so the body can preserve itself as best as it can for as long as it can. A diseased state is often a result of a sick, improperly cared for body that is doing the best it can, and the alternative to the disease would be far worse.

The most important message I want to get across today is that the body is smart. It doesn’t purposely harm itself because this goes against its basic physiologic design. It can’t purposely harm itself because that’s not how it is designed. It simply just can’t do that.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Can Benefit From Glutathione Therapy

We already know glutathione can play a role in many disease processes, so it should come as no surprise that glutathione can also help with cases of MS. Glutathione is a protein that acts as an antioxidant in our bodies. It’s made in our bodies and is the most important antioxidant we have. Glutathione has a particularly effective ability to scanvenge free radicals in the brain, protecting our brains from oxidative stress. The levels of glutathione in the body directly correlate to how healthy we are and to how long we live.

So, what’s going on in the cases of MS? It has been found that sufferers of MS, like all patients suffering from a disease, have depleted levels of glutathione. In many cases, glutathione levels are only 5% of what they should be. People with levels of glutathione this low are literally receiving absolutely no protection from free radicals, and this is detrimental to health.

How do glutathione levels become depleted in the body? Since glutathione is made in our bodies, our bodies have to be operating efficiently and with the proper nutrients to be able to produce glutathione. When our bodies become run down, it’s hard for them to operate well. Our bodies become run down when we don’t eat the proper nutrients and when toxins enter the body faster than the body can eliminate them. Toxines are everywhere and difficult to avoid without active pursuit. Toxins come to us from our food, water, the air, our cosmetics, personal care products, amongst others.

MS has been particularly linked to heavy metal toxicity. This means that MS sufferers have an abundance of heavy metals in their systems, which are contributing to their ill health. Interestingly, glutathione aids the body in detoxifying from these heavy metals. Removing these heavy metals from the body can have tremendous health benefits.

What’s important to remember with any autoimmune disease is that, contrary to what the name suggests, the body does not try to commit suicide or become sick. Diseases of any nature happen as a defense mechanism of the body. The body’s goal is to maintain homeostasis, and it is always in favor of self preservation. When a disease results, it is a survial mechanism of the body because the alternative would be worse for the body. The body is simply always trying to protect itself.

Now, a disease such as MS is certainly multifaceted. This means there are often numerous, complex mechanisms as to why the disease developed in the first place. Typically, it’s toxicity from many sources in the body, and all of this toxicity should be removed. Raising glutathione levels is one piece of the puzzle and will undoubtedly give multiple benefits, however, glutathione is not necessarily a cure. While quality of life and health will increase, glutathione may not be the only thing necessary to reverse MS. Every person is different, but glutathione can absolutely benefit every single person, disease stricken or not.

If you feel glutathione would be beneficial to you, there is now a new and extremely exciting way to increase glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione has been notoriously difficult to supplement with because 1) oral glutathione is destroyed by the stomach’s acid (which means we can’t eat it), 2) glutathione is rapidly metabolized in the body (meaning levels don’t stay elevated for too long).

Previously, the only effective way to supplement with glutathione had been to give it in IV form, which still wasn’t even very effective because levels would return to normal within 2 hours after the IV had been performed, and IV’s had to be given three times a week for any real therapeutic effect.

This is why, for those of us who realize what the Lifewave patches, understand what an amazing potential lives within the Lifewave glutathione patch. This patch has been shown in clincial research to increase the levels of glutathione within the body by 300% in as little as 24 hours. The health implications of this are astounding. The patch can also be worn as frequently as one desires, which means levels can stay elevated indefinitely. The glutathione patches are also only a fraction of the cost of IV therapy; one package lasts a whole month or longer!

If you suffer from MS or another ailment or you simply want to improve your health, then try the glutathione patch. This technology is extremely effective and also extremely safe. Nothing enters through your skin from the patch. The patch contains no drugs. There are no side effects associated from use of the patches.

For more information, visit our website at www.blitzthewave.com. If you’d like to order, you can do so directly by clicking here. Lifewave’s official website is www.lifewave.com and our personal distributor ID # is 727136.

Here’s also a link for more information on how glutathione can impact MS and other diseases from one of the world’s leading physicians on the topic, click here.