I believe no one has adequate glutathione levels. Let’s start at the beginning. What is glutathione? Glutathione is the body’s master (most important) antioxidant. It is actually manufactured in our bodies, and it scavenges free radicals and detoxifies the body. A lack of glutathione in the body has been traced to every major disease process we experience, and it is thought by researchers that the levels of glutathione in our bodies is directly linked to how long we will live.
Clearly, glutathione is an important substance to remain healthy, yet most of us are depleted in it. Levels decline as we age, but becaues of the bombardment of toxins in our environment, I believe our levels are being depleted younger and younger.
I’m still fairly young. I’m in my twenties. I’m not technically worried about Alzheimer’s or aging yet. However, I wear the Y-Age patches religiously because I understand their importance. I want to be sure I have enough glutathione. As we’re beginning to see illnesses that used to be associated with aging happen to children no less, I don’t think it unwise to be cautious. These common aging illnesses, in fact, don’t have anything to do with aging, they have much more to do with toxin exposure. If you don’t watch your health or toxin exposure, and you don’t consciously detoxify throughout your life, then you’ll end up with diseases when you’re old because you’ve had more time to be exposed to toxins. However, now we’re seeing osteoporosis and adult onset diabetes in children and Alzheimer’s symptoms from people in their thirties. This is because more and more of us are exposed to too many toxins younger and younger, and our bodies just can’t keep up. Nutrition also plays a major role, but that’s a separate topic.
Glutathione detoxifies the body, and the patches stimulate the production of glutathione in our bodies, thereby decreasing the liklihood of occurences of disease. We don’t claim our patches cure anything. This is about prevention.
I get asked why at my age am I worrying about anti-aging. Aren’t I a little young for that? I’m not worried about getting older, but I do want to be healthy and glutathione can get me there. Even someone my age has the potential t be depleted in this important antioxidant, so I feel confident I am not simply wasting my time. I want to live a long and healthy life.
The patches work by sending a signal to our bodies to produce more glutathione. Glutathione is an incredibly safe substance, and you cannot overdose on it. If the body needs to make more glutathione, it will. The body accepts the signal from the patches to do whatever repair work it will need to do, but the body is so smart, it will only make as much as it needs.
The point I’m making is that because the body, in essence, doesn’t have to accept the signal from the patches if it doesn’t need to, if a person is not low on glutathione, a person could reason the patches wouldn’t technically be necessary for them. We’re not overridding the bodies natural mechanisms with the patches, unlike with a medication. The body only accepts the signal if it needs to.
What I’m saying, though, is that there is not one person in our modern society that doesn’t need more glutathione. The body is smart. The body will accept the signal and make however much it needs to make, but we are all depleted, and so the body will respond. Everyone tested in the studies of this patch responded to the patch. There bodies made more glutathione, and yours will too.