Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label mosquitoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mosquitoes. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hate Mosquitoes? Try This.

I hate getting bit by mosquitoes. I hate it so much in fact that I moved across the country to be away from them. They seem to love me and nearly eat me alive. While I made it through the first summer of my life with not one mosquito bite compliments of Arizona, it’s now mosquito season in the great AZ. Since our weather here has become so nice of late, I like to spend time sitting on my patio at night enjoying this lovely place I call home. The only problem is these pesky bugs.

I recently heard the Y Age spray is effective against all bug bites, particularly mosquitoes. Hey, with the way I get bit, I’ll try anything. So, I did. The Y Age spray is already my favorite. It helps with sunburns, skin aging, pimples, and all types of things. I LOVE it! So, I tried some on my multitude of bites.

And do you know what? I was really shocked to feel the itching dissipate. High five for Lifewave. If mosquitoes are as big of a problem for you as they are for me, then give this a try. Before the spray I tried just about everything I could think of. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
The spray isn’t expensive, and you can check it out here.