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Showing posts with label melatonin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melatonin. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Protect Yourself From Toxic BP Oil Fumes

For those living in cities near or around the Gulf, toxic fumes from the BP oil spill are undoubtedly affecting your health. Breathing in fumes such as these damage internal tissues and can manifest in a wide-ranging array of symptoms.

Luckily, Lifewave can help. If you live in these areas, it is imperative to be taking even better care of yourself than you normally would or disease is sure to result. In this situation, protection is needed. The importance of detoxifying cannot be overstated.

This may sound fine and dandy, but how on Earth are you supposed to protect yourself and detoxify? You've got a busy life and schedule, and you may not have time to worry about such things. That's okay, we still have an extremely effective method that won't take any more than 30 seconds before you're walking out the door in the morning.

In case you didn't already know, Lifewave manufactures patches. How can a patch help protect you? Well, these patches are different than any other patch system on the market. Nothing goes into the skin with these patches instead they work by energy. This may sound strange at first, but it's very similar to acupuncture, only even more beneficial. Acupuncture has a proven track record of over 5,000 years of use. It's benefits are well known.

The first set of patches you'll need are the Y Age patches. There are two patches in this system: glutathione and carnosine. Glutahione and carnosine are actually two very important antioxidants manufactured in our bodies. They offer protection for all sorts of things, many of which are highlighted in other posts on this blog. They also help the body to detoxify. What the patch does is send a signal to the body, and the body then makes more of these antioxidants. You can't afford not to have this protectin when you're breathing in toxic fumes.

The next important patch is the Silent Nights sleep patch. The sleep patch increases melatonin levels in the body. What if you don't have trouble sleeping? This patch is still important because melatonin is also a very potent antioxidant in the body. It's a hormone too, and it promotes sleep, but it also detoxifies the body in a very powerful way. Melatonin is thought to be the only antioxidant that can actally detoxify from the inside of the nucleus of a cell. This is where our DNA is kept, so essentially, melatonin may be able to prevent damage to our DNA. This is exciting news.

When the body is under constant attack from toxins, such as toxic fumes, it's important to adopt habits that don't put the body under even more strain. Getting proper sleep, at least 8 hours a night, is of paramount importance. It's when we sleep that we detoxify the most. Eating nutritious food, drinking pure water, and staying away from processed foods is a great idea. Getting an air purifier or indoor plants is another form of protection. Taking time to de-stress and relax is another key factor. All these suggestions are a good way to have the best possible outcome in this scenario.

Now, the benefits of these habits and the Lifewave patches are certainly not exclusive to those living near the oil spill. These are things we should all be doing regularly for our health if we want to live a long and healthy life.

If you're interested in creating good health for yourself and would like to experience the powerful benefits of the patches yourself, you may purchase them easily directly from Lifewaves website. www.lifewave.com. Be healthy. Be happy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Melatonin And The Immune System

There is yet another benefit of melatonin. We already know melatonin is the sleep hormone, which is why sleep is so important. Melatonin can only be made when it’s completely dark. There’s more benefits from melatonin than just sleep, however, and one of them has to do with the immune system. Melatonin can have a marked effect on the immune system because melatonin enhances the immune activity of the thymus gland. Inside of the thymus gland, first line immune cells called lymphocytes, go through a cell boot camp that turns them into cells able to protect our bodies.

As we age, the thymus gland atrophies or shrinks. It loses this all important capability of producing mature lymphocytes. The thymus gland has receptor sites for melatonin, however, which means melatonin can communicate with and have an effect on the thymus gland. This is especially important for older people. Melatonin has been proven to actually stimulate lymphocyte cell production, making sleep now more important than ever in protecting yourself against illness.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, our Silent Nights sleep patches have been clinically proven to increase melatonin levels within the body. You can’t afford to be low on melatonin.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Patch Placements for Night Sweats

We have discovered a great patch placement that helps decrease the incidence of night sweats. Place a sleep patch on your left palm, right below the pinky. You’re looking for a tender spot there. This is small intestine 3.

Next, place a sleep patch on the underneath side of your left wrist, right below your hand. This will be the side closest to your body when your underarm is facing upward. This is the opposite side than from where you’d take your pulse. This is the heart 6 acupoint.

When worn throughout the night, it has been observed that night sweats decrease or are eliminated all together. Good news.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Melatonin as an Antioxidant

According to the book by Dr. Frank Shallenberger, Bursting with Energy, melatonin is an important antioxidant in the body as well as a hormone. Melatonin possesses the capability to penetrate the nucleus of the cell to protect our DNA from free radical damage.

Melatonin is though to be more potent than Vitamins C and E. According to Dr. Shallenberger, melatonin can help protect against Alzheimers, cancer, memory loss, neurological disorders, and other diseases of the brain.

Melatonin may be so powerful, in fact, that Dr. Shallenberger actually recommends everyone over the age of 50 take a melatonin supplement, regardless of how well you sleep.

Clearly, melatonin produces some pretty powerful effects.

Isn't it great Lifewave makes a patch for that!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Melatonin/Cancer Connection

According to Dr. Frank Shallenberger in the book, Bursting with Energy, melatonin can help with the treatment and prevention of breast and prostate cancer. Research studies have found that when there are lower levels of melatonin, cancer cells divide more rapidly. Even more striking, when melatonin was supplemented, the growth of the cancer cells was inhibited by 30-40%! It was then concluded that low melatonin levels promote breast cancer. What these several studies showed is that melatonin supplementation may be effective in treating breast cancer. Wow!

This is good news for wearers of the Silent Nights sleep patches. We certainly don’t claim our patches can cure, treat, or prevent any disease. But we can say that the patches increase melatonin in the body when worn, which research has proven that they do.

This is yet another example of how important sleep is for our bodies. We only make melatonin when we sleep. If we’re not getting enough sleep, we’re not making enough melatonin, which according to the studies, can promote cancer growth. Yikes!

Melatonin is only made when it is completely dark. Even if there’s just a little bit of light present, it can affect melatonin production.

Be sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep and for goodness sake, stick on a sleep patch. Is there anything these Lifewave patches can’t do?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Can You Overdose on the Patch?

This is a great question, and the short answer is no. Since the patches are so effective, people often wonder if the patch can cause too much of a good thing. We know the patches can signal to the body to increase energy or increase melatonin or increase glutathione or increase carnosine, but can the patches cause the body to increase these things too much?

Something that is not too well understood about the patches is that they don’t cause the body to do anything. They send a signal to the body (which is a specific frequency of energy) that basically asks the body to do a specific thing such as make more glutathione. The body, however, gets to choose whether or not it wants to accept. If the body is low on glutathione or energy or melatonin, then it will most likely accept and make more of it. The patch basically stimulates this production. The body is extremely efficient. It doesn’t waste its resources, and it regulates itself well when it’s operating well. So, the patches are not going to make the body produce too much of something.

There are many reasons why the body may need some help in the form of an energy signal to stimulate it to do what it’s supposed to be doing. Ideally, our bodies should operate with 100% efficiency. In our world, this doesn’t always happen. Our bodies are bombarded with toxins. These toxins run us down and cause our bodies to not work as well as they should. We often don’t eat right. We don’t get proper sleep, exercise, sunshine, or fresh air. Our bodies need these things, but they can be hard to do for many people. This is where the patches come in.

If our bodies aren’t doing something they are supposed to be doing naturally because they are so run down, the patches can give this signal to the body to assist the body in doing what it’s already supposed to be doing anyway. This is when the body accepts the signal and starts functioning as it should. The patches cannot cause the body to do anything the body isn’t already doing or supposed to be doing. This is why Dr. Haltiwanger calls the patches a “body tuneup.”

Now, the patches will not cause miracles if the body doesn’t have the most basic things it needs to work. The body needs to be properly hydrated and have the proper amino acids and minerals for the patches to help the body’s functioning. The patches do not cause the body to create results out of nothing. So if you’re having trouble getting results with the patches, these are things that need to be checked.

In conclusion, the patches cannot harm the body or cause the body to overmake any substances. They do not cause side effects in the body. The body simply draws energy from the patches (specific frequencies of energy that communicate with the body on whichever frequency is needed to produce a specific outcome) to use this energy to perform its necessary functions.