We’ve all experienced pain. It signals to us that something isn’t right in our bodies. The Chinese believe that pain is simply blocked energy in the body. The thought is if you move this blocked energy by getting the energy to flow again, the pain will go away because the body is then able to heal.
The body is an amazing self healing organism with capabilities poorly understood by modern science. It can heal itself. Pain is not a natural, balanced state for the body, so it’s important to realize that your body wants the pain to go away, and if given the proper tools, it will correct the issue.
This is how the Lifewave pain patches work; via energy. The Chinese were clearly onto something because when we apply the ancient Chinese principles of energy to the patches, we’re able to get that energy flowing, and the pain disappears. These results can also be obtained with acupuncture, which is primarily similar to how the patches work.
By the pain relief that we experience and also witness in others, it makes a great deal of sense that pain is blocked energy flow. How else do we obtain such rapid and complete results? It doesn’t matter what type of pain it is, what it’s said to be caused by (what condition), where it’s located, how severe it is, how long it’s been there, the patches are effective for all types of pain in all places of the body. We can use them anywhere on the body for pain relief, leading me to conclude that the Chinese were correct. Pain is blocked energy flow, and we now have a very effective system for unblocking it.
If you suffer from pain, won’t you let us help you eliminate it? We offer free help patching for pain to anyone who needs it. Let us give you a free pain consultation today. Shoot us an email: blitzthewave@gmail.com.