There is a certain placement of patches that can result in many interesting benefits, one of them being reduced tremors. Lifewave distributors simply call this the head protocol.
There is one disease in particular in which tremors are most notably associated, but since Lifewave does not claim to cure any disease, I will refrain from mentioning any particular illnesses.
The symptom I am referring to today that has been noted to be greatly relieved by the patches is tremors.
We know glutathione can help relieve tremors in certain sufferers. While glutathione is given in IV form with great success, I do not hesitate to say our patches do an even better job.
There are multiple benefits over using the patches than receiving IV glutathione. For starters, it’s much less expensive. Frequent doctor trips aren’t necessary. The patches can be used in the comfort and convenience of home, but most importantly, the patches can be worn all the time.
You see, IV glutathione does not last long. After about two hours, the effects wear off since the half life of glutathione is only a mere seven minutes. Glutathione is given in IV form three times a week, but the patches can be worn all the time. When one patch wears out, simply replace it!
Additionally, since the glutathione patch can increase levels of glutathione in the body up to 300%, I’d say the patches are just as effective as IV glutathione, perhaps even more so.
Clearly, the benefits of the patches are obvious, so without further ado, here is the head protocol that can be used by anyone who experiences uncontrollable tremors and would like to get some relief.
Head Protocol:
Place one glutathione patch on the very top of the head (for women it will be in the hair- sorry). Now, you’ll need two sets of energy patches. Place one white energy patch on the right temple and one tan energy patch on the left temple. Next, take one white energy patch and place it in the middle of the forehead in the “third eye” position. Lastly, take one tan energy patch and place it on the back of the head (also in the hair) right near that protrusion of head bone.
This head protocol is extremely effective and beneficial in other instances (which I will cover in greater detail in another post) too.
So, if you have someone dear to you affected by tremors, tell them about this protocol and have them try it. Relief is within reach and with our 30 day guarantee, there’s absolutely no reason not to try something new.
*The patches do not interfere with any medications, so they are completely compatible.