Distributor I.D. # 727136
Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Message From Dr. Dean Clark Regarding the X 15 Patch

As we prepare for the launch of the X-15 patch, I thought this would be a good time to share some of my experiences with this remarkable new product with you. I am so excited about the launch of X-15, as I have found this product to be more effective than any other I have seen in dealing with a diverse set of problems.

Last spring, I conducted a 25-person pilot study to explore the effects of the X-15 patches using Medical Infrared Imaging. That study included subjects with various issues. For instance, one individual had dealt with pain in a thumb that was injured during military service for 28 years. After just three days of patch use, swelling was significantly diminished and the joint was restored to full function.

Another subject with a sleep disorder was able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in 12 years with use of X-15. None of the other products in the marketplace that have been developed specifically to deal with this issue had helped her. She is very much looking forward to the X-15 release date!

In yet another case, the subject was experiencing a chronic skin disorder which was accompanied by a scaly, itchy rash. After five days of patch use, there was about a 90 percent improvement in the skin. No other solutions, including a number of pharmaceutical and topical products, had come close to alleviating the discomfort from this skin disorder.

The primary findings from this pilot study were that the X-15 patch offered pain relief and energy as well as a variety of other benefits. I think what is interesting in these cases is the diversity of symptoms that X-15 seemed to help. Ultimately, X-15 provides benefits that are complementary to our other products, and we are finding that this patch enhances the effects of IceWave and Energy Enhancer. I am continually delighted to see the often unpredictable improvement in people’s health because of this product, regardless of the issues they are having, and I am looking forward to exploring the effects of this patch for many years to come.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Neck Pain Acupoints

Neck pain stinks. I know because I used to experience it a lot. Typically, the pain or energy patches used in the typical Haltiwanger Cross that comes with the brochure will produce immediate pain relief. However, there are times when you may not experience pain relief from doing that, so today I’d like to share with you specific acupoints that can be used specifically to help with neck pain. I’ve researched these because my neck pain does not respond to the typical Haltiwanger Cross, so I’m right there with you if you’re experiencing this.

Here are the acupoints to try. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures for all these placements at this time, but if you click here, you can look these points up at this website. It gives great information, and I utilize it a often.

1) You can try a carnosine patch on the CV7 acupoint. This point is
located on the back of your neck, right where that bulge is. The
carnosine patch has sedating qualities.

2) Energy or pain patches can be tried on Large Intestine 4 or 5. These
points are located on the hand between the webbing of the thumb and
index finger.

3) Pain or energy patches can be tried on Gallbladder 43 or 44. These
points run right along the top of the foot, near the outside, right
below the pinky toe.

4) Icewave or Energy Enhancer patches can also be tried on Small
Intestine 3. This point is on the outside of the hand, right near the
pinky bone on the outer hand. It’s not a convenient location to keep a
patch on, but if it works from you, use some extra tape.

Other things you can try would be to put the tan patch on the right side of the body and the white patch on the left side of the body. Normally, the patches are supposed to be worn the other way, but this can have pain relieving effects. Also, trying the white patch on the opposite side of the body from the pain.

With neck pain, there’s a lot of yang energy up in the head and neck area, so points on the feet often help because we want to draw that yang energy away from the head and neck and by extension, areas of pain. We are trying to sedate the yang meridians, so trying the carnosine patches on any of the yang meridians may also produce pain relieving results. See picture below for yang meridians.

As you can see, there is a margin of trial and error because everyone’s energy is unique, and it’s constantly flowing or moving through the body. Try these points and see if they work for your neck pain.

If you’d like further assistance, don’t hesitate to send us an email. We’d be glad to help. blitzthewave@gmail.com

Monday, September 20, 2010

Join The Revolution

We’re starting a health revolution. It starts with Lifewave. We’re done being in pain. We’re done being too tired to get through our day. We’re done not sleeping well at night, being addicted to foods, being rundown, being unhappy, being sick, and not feeling well. We aren’t going to live our lives that way anymore.

If you don’t want to live that way either, then join us in this revolution. We’re looking for people who want to change their lives and live to the fullest. We want people who will stand up and not take it anymore.

The way we’re living isn’t healthy, and we experience the effects of this every day from chronic pain, trouble sleeping, low energy, massive food cravings, and disease. We want the people who will be leaders to stand up and join our revolution.

If you want to help others feel better, if you want to learn how to keep yourself healthy all through your life, if you want to live long and healthfully, then we want you!

If you want to change your own life, then click here to learn about the products that we’re using in our revolution.

If you want to teach others and help others reach their full potential and live their best life, then click here to learn how you can change your own life as well as others.

This revolution isn’t for the weary or faint of heart. This isn’t for those who are wishy washy and can’t decide what they want in life. This is a call to action for those who are truly committed to make a difference.

If you’re that person, we want you.

Contact us today to learn how you can join in the revolution. Blitzthewave@gmail.com

Friday, September 17, 2010

X 15 Launch Date Announced!

Mark your calendars for what promises to be the most exciting product launch in LifeWave history!

Anti-aging? Youthful energy? Detoxification? Less Pain? What is the X-15 patch and how does it work? Find out soon!

The world-wide, international launch of our revolutionary new anti-aging patch (code named the “X-15”) will take place on the weekend of January 7th from the beautiful Ritz Carlton Hotel in Laguna, California USA. Anticipation is building for the unveiling of the most dramatic advancement in LifeWave technology to date!

In addition, LifeWave will be organizing leadership meetings around the world via video conferencing, so members who cannot attend the event in California in person will still be able to be with us via video.

This will be a first in the history of our company, and we are looking forward to having you there!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is pain?

We’ve all experienced pain. It signals to us that something isn’t right in our bodies. The Chinese believe that pain is simply blocked energy in the body. The thought is if you move this blocked energy by getting the energy to flow again, the pain will go away because the body is then able to heal.

The body is an amazing self healing organism with capabilities poorly understood by modern science. It can heal itself. Pain is not a natural, balanced state for the body, so it’s important to realize that your body wants the pain to go away, and if given the proper tools, it will correct the issue.

This is how the Lifewave pain patches work; via energy. The Chinese were clearly onto something because when we apply the ancient Chinese principles of energy to the patches, we’re able to get that energy flowing, and the pain disappears. These results can also be obtained with acupuncture, which is primarily similar to how the patches work.

By the pain relief that we experience and also witness in others, it makes a great deal of sense that pain is blocked energy flow. How else do we obtain such rapid and complete results? It doesn’t matter what type of pain it is, what it’s said to be caused by (what condition), where it’s located, how severe it is, how long it’s been there, the patches are effective for all types of pain in all places of the body. We can use them anywhere on the body for pain relief, leading me to conclude that the Chinese were correct. Pain is blocked energy flow, and we now have a very effective system for unblocking it.

If you suffer from pain, won’t you let us help you eliminate it? We offer free help patching for pain to anyone who needs it. Let us give you a free pain consultation today. Shoot us an email: blitzthewave@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Placebo Effect

Today, I’d like to talk a little about the placebo effect. This message is particularly aimed at the skeptics out there; the number lessens every single day, but there are still a number of you.

It’s easy to be skeptical of a drastically new technology. There’s nothing wrong with this at all; I was certainly a skeptic myself in the beginning. In fact, being skeptical at first can be a good thing because that means you’re critically thinking about something, instead of simply believing what you’re told. I admire that in a person. If you don’t ever break free from the skepticism, however, and actually look into something that may help you, then you will continue to suffer needlessly simply from ignorance or a need to be stubborn. It’s important to gather information even in the midst of skepticism so that you can actually be informed and educated on the topic.

So, many skeptics liken the effects the patches have to the placebo effect. I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this. You see, those who are not informed about the Lifewave technology and do not understand how it works or have never tried it for themselves have no other explanation for it, so it has to be the placebo effect. This is a very common reaction to a new technology, in fact, it is part of the phases a person needs to go through when exposed to a new technology.

What I want to share today, though, is precisely why we know the Lifewave technology has absolutely nothing to do with the placebo effect and more to do with specific physiological measurements in the body, and that is research.

Lifewave wasn’t expecting anyone to simply believe the patches worked, they wanted to back up their products with science. This is the main reason we know the patches work. The Lifewave patches and products have over 30 studies done on them to date, many of which were performed by independent researchers, physicians, and scientists. These are not just any type of studies either. They’re double blind and placebo controlled. This is the most respected type of research study yet available in science. Double blind means that the researcher doesn’t know certain information that could lead to a bias, invalidating the results. A placebo controlled study is purposefully designed to account for a placebo effect that may occur.

What critics of this technology need to realize is the gravity of the results from these studies. These studies don’t lie. They’re not elementary school science experiments. They’re experiments done by experts in their fields. In addition to that, the results of these studies are nothing sort of phenomenal.

The lame excuse of the placebo effect to explain a poor understanding of this technology may have worked five years ago before these studies were completed, but it doesn’t hold water anymore.

For those out there who are interested in this technology, but still hesitant, I encourage you to read the studies for yourself. Lifewave makes all of them public on their website, and we have copies of them for your reference on our website as well. Click here to be taken directly to the studies.

In addition to research, we also have a number of Lifewave distributors using the patches on their animals, namely dogs and horses. It is commonly accepted that animals do not experience the placebo effect because they have no expectations. Animals do not know what the patches are supposed to do, yet they experience the drastic results with this technology as well. The number of stories people have of using the patches on animals is growing. One such pioneer in this arena is Dr. Lauren DeRock, who works with horses. She has a great website of information. Under her resources section, there is a page on the Lifewave technology and horses. Her website can be visited by clicking here.

So, what I ask of you today is to have an open mind. Clearly, we are still learning a great deal about our world. We don’t yet know everything, so to discredit a technology just because it’s different would be stupid, for lack of a better word.

I have to ask as well, if you suddenly experienced complete and rapid pain relief from a debilitating pain you’d experienced for years, would you care if it was the placebo effect? Or would you just be elated that the pain was gone?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Chronic Shoulder Blade Pain

I have struggled with a chronic back pain between my shoulder blades for the past 6 years. It was there all the time, severely affecting the quality of my life. The pain mainly affected how I was able to sit. There were times when I literally felt my mind was going crazy from trying to manage the pain.

Over the years, I have been to over five chiropractors, two acupuncturists, a physical therapist, and a rolfer. I have tried everything I know how to do. Now, I’m not knocking any of those professions. On the contrary, they were all helpful in one way or another, but none of them were able to relieve me of that pain permanently. I didn’t just want to manage that pain (which I wasn’t very successful at doing anyway), I wanted to live with it completely gone to where it never had to be on my mind.

When I found the Lifewave patches, I was at the end of my rope. I was so sick of being in pain all the time. Acupuncture had relieved my pain once, but the acupuncturist I went to was never able to duplicate those results. I love rolfing, which did a great number of things for my body, but that darn shoulder blade pain still didn’t go away.

The pain had been there since I had given birth to my first child. Literally since the day he was born, that pain had persisted everyday. The pain was in my left shoulder blade, that muscle running right alongside the shoulder blade. That muscle was always knotted and tight. I was miserable.

When I got my hands on the pain patches, I was more than eager to try them. And to my disappointment, I can be honest in saying, I could not get them to work on that pain the first few tries. I felt so frustrated because I knew the patches worked. I had used the pain patches on other pains, and they worked wonders. The other types of patches worked for me too. The SP6 patch has relieved some of my worst cravings. It helps me control my appetite. The energy patches make my life so much better, and I were them everyday because they make such a difference. Since wearing the Y Age, my skin has cleared up and become so soft.

I really could sing the praises of these patches all day, so then why couldn’t I get the pain patch to work. I was so disappointed. I was trying putting the patch on my pain, while moving the other patch around in the clock method as described in the brochure. Sometimes, this would very subtly relieve the pain, but never completely. I only got the pain to go away one time in which the tan patch was on the pain and the white patch was on my sternum, but the spot was extremely specific, took a long time for me to get right, and I never was able to duplicate it.

I enjoying patching people for pain. I’ve never had someone as hard to patch as I was for this back pain. I decided to go to my sponsor for some help. She’s an acupuncturist. She started testing different meridians in my body with the patches since the patches do work very similarly to acupunture. We found by use of the patches that my pain would go away whenever the patch was on the gallbladder meridian.

“I think it’s your gallbladder,” she said.

Really, my gallbladder. Apparently, the gallbladder can refer pain to the areas between the shoulder blades. Not one other health care professional had been able to help me determine this. She gave me a gallbladder cleanse I could do at home.

The gallbladder cleanse takes some time. Doing it only once doesn’t necessarily relieve symptoms permanently, and it didn’t for me. I realized I was in it for a long haul, but I was willing to do anything.

There were times I had trouble duplicating the results of my sponsor at home. Sometimes, my pain would get relieved, and sometimes, I just couldn’t seem to find the right spot. I then learned that often times the feet are a great location to patch because they are at the end of a meridian, which can be really affective. People have relieved their headaches from the feet! It still didn’t dawn on me at that point that I should try it.

It wasn’t until I decided to do a certain protocol with the energy patches to balance the energy in my body by stimulating acupoints did I finally figure it out. We offer a slide show on our website called Anti-aging that details this protocol. If interested, click here.

So, I decided to try this protocol. I went through the five day protocol and realized the day I wore the patches on my feet, I didn’t experience that back pain. Hmm. I pulled out my slide show notes, flipped to that page, and guess which meridians I was on for that day with my feet. Liver/gallbladder (which work together by the way). Ah ha! I knew I had found my answer.

I now wear the patches on my feet every day all the time. I can use both energy or pain on my feet to relieve my painful back symptoms because they work very similarly and are therefore both effective. That’s actually how the pain patch got created because people were reporting pain relief while wearing the energy patches. I still do my gallbladder cleanse every two weeks as directed and eventually I believe this pain I’ve dealt with for so long will be completely gone. Until that happens though, I have my patches.

I sat last night watching fireworks, on the ground without back support for over an hour, and not once did I experience that pain. This has never once been possible in the entire six years I’ve experienced this pain.

I have never felt so thankful because the patches are how we discovered this pain was related to my gallbladder. Multiple professionals in various disciplines couldn’t even tell me that. My entire point of this post is that the patches do work, they can do miraculous things, and that sometimes the key is to find the right location. I firmly believe these patches can work for just about anyone, but as in my case, sometimes it takes a little work.

If you need help patching, please don’t hesitate to contact us at blitzthewave@gmail.com. Getting proper placement is important. It could very well increase the quality of your life.