I often get asked if the patches are safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. While Lifewave as a company does not advocate for the use of the patches during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, I would like to explain the rationale behind this thinking and explain what I do when I’m pregnant or breastfeeding as I’m still in my child bearing years.
During pregnancy, I stray away from the pain and energy patches. These patches work very similarly to acupuncture in that they are interacting with the energy of the body. It is well known that there are acupuncture points that can stimulate contractions. Now, it is also known that acupuncture can be very safe during pregnancy, but you have to have an experienced acupuncturist that knows how to treat pregnant women. As far as the patches go, most women are not trained in acupuncture and so using the patches on your own could potentially pose the same risk as certain acupuncture points. This is not a negative reflection on the patches, rather it is a testament to how effective they truly are. This is simply the way the energy of the body operates. Now, if you’re experienced in acupuncture, you may feel comfortable using the patches during pregnancy. The energy and pain patches do not pose any additional risks during pregnancy.
The Y Age patches consist of glutathione and carnosine. These are two important antioxidants in the body. While they are extremely important, they are also very effective in detoxifying the body. Detoxification of the body is not appropriate during pregnancy or breastfeeding as these toxins do get passed to the baby. Ideally, detoxification happens before pregnancy, which enables a healthier pregnancy. Now, the Y Age patches are important for protection. Antioxidants are important. Same as you wouldn’t stop eating healthy food with antioxidants such as blueberries during pregnancy, some women may feel comfortable using the Y Age patches during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. I personally would not recommend it for most women unless they had done extensive detoxification before pregnancy and were also very familiar with acupuncture as the Y Age patches also work via energy.
The Silent Nights sleep patch elicits a response similar to the other four patches I’ve mentioned. The sleep patch increases melatonin in the body, which is a hormone, but also a very powerful antioxidant. We actually detoxify the most while we’re asleep. Now, we do continue to make melatonin while we’re pregnant, and we do continue to detoxify even during pregnancy. So long as care is taken with placement of this patch, I can say for myself that I would feel comfortable wearing it during pregnancy.
The SP6 patch technically should not be necessary during pregnancy. Reducing appetite and suppressing cravings is not something usually associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time to make sure you’re being well nourished. The SP6 patch actually detoxifies the body as well as the other patches, and it also works by energy. I would for myself skip this patch during pregnancy, but I wouldn’t have any reservation with using it while breastfeeding.
I would also feel comfortable with using the energy and pain patches while breastfeeding.
The information I’ve presented here is not advice nor a recommendation. I’m simply describing what I do while I’m pregnant and breastfeeding. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and you feel you would benefit from use of the patches during that time, then ultimately, it is your responsibility to educate yourself and make the decision that is right for you.
Feel free to email us if you have any questions… blitzthewave@gmail.com.