Distributor I.D. # 727136

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rid Those Migraines Once And For All

Are you a sufferer of migraines? My husband was for years. It was debilitating for him. He could always tell when one was coming on, and it would bring our lives to a screeching halt. I’ve never suffered from migraines, so it was hard for me to understand what he was dealing with. He couldn’t tolerate lights or sounds. He’d spend large amounts of time in the restroom, vomiting. I felt for him, so I began researching what could help him solve this problem.

What I discovered was that almost all migraines result from a liver/gallbladder energetic imbalance. The liver is our detoxification system of our bodies. It’s the garbage can, so it needs to be properly supported. The best way we’ve found to give the liver a boost is to detoxify the body. Detoxifying can result in great improvements in health and effects many different situations in the body, migraines included. Detoxification is important for overall health, migraines merely being a symptom that is eliminated. We’re constantly bombarded by toxins in our environment. They’re everywhere, and while we can’t escape them completely, we can reduce our exposure through conscience choices. Eating organic food, drinking purified water, improving our indoor air quality, and switching out our personal care products for less toxic ones are powerful ways to limit our exposure.

What we did to detoxify, however, involves the Lifewave patches. Lifewave makes two patches as part of the Y-Age system: glutathione and carnosine. These are important antioxidants manufactured in our bodies, but due to the onslaught of toxins, most of our bodies are increasingly low on these two antioxidants. Glutathione and carnosine work to detoxify the body, thereby increasing overall health in the body, the disappearrance of migraines being a side effect of this. The patches are a powerful way to detoxify the body. There are many ways to detoxify, most of which are beneficial and have merit, but the patches are the absolute easiest way. I know because I’ve tried a lot of detoxes, some of which left me lying on the couch, too sick to get up because of the detox symptoms. Whenever you detox too rapidly, you can experience symptoms that don’t feel good such as weakness, fatigue, headaches, body aches, flu like symptoms, runny nose, rashes, bowel changes, amongst others. I’ve had all of these.

With other detoxes, you can’t control your detox, so you just have to go with the symptoms, even if it disrupts your life. With the patches, the benefits of the patches stop when you take them off, so if you happen to detox too rapidly, simply remove the patches, drink extra water to flush out the toxins, and the symptoms will dissipate. It’s the easiest detox you’ll find, yet it works very well.

My husband has not had one migraine since starting to detoxify with the patches. He’s thrilled, and I’m thrilled. As you detox, if you do get a migraine or headache, drinking water is the best way to relieve the underlying causes of the migraine, and the pain patches are the best way to instantly relieve the pain.

This is a powerful protocol to rid those migraines forever because who has time to revolve their life around a migraine.

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