Distributor I.D. # 727136

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Melatonin/Cancer Connection

According to Dr. Frank Shallenberger in the book, Bursting with Energy, melatonin can help with the treatment and prevention of breast and prostate cancer. Research studies have found that when there are lower levels of melatonin, cancer cells divide more rapidly. Even more striking, when melatonin was supplemented, the growth of the cancer cells was inhibited by 30-40%! It was then concluded that low melatonin levels promote breast cancer. What these several studies showed is that melatonin supplementation may be effective in treating breast cancer. Wow!

This is good news for wearers of the Silent Nights sleep patches. We certainly don’t claim our patches can cure, treat, or prevent any disease. But we can say that the patches increase melatonin in the body when worn, which research has proven that they do.

This is yet another example of how important sleep is for our bodies. We only make melatonin when we sleep. If we’re not getting enough sleep, we’re not making enough melatonin, which according to the studies, can promote cancer growth. Yikes!

Melatonin is only made when it is completely dark. Even if there’s just a little bit of light present, it can affect melatonin production.

Be sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep and for goodness sake, stick on a sleep patch. Is there anything these Lifewave patches can’t do?

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