Distributor I.D. # 727136

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Best Anti-Aging Acupoints - Part 2

The following protocol employs Energy Enhancer patches to protect the body and maintain overall health. Apply one set of patches (WHITE on right, TAN on left). Apply patches in the morning and remove in the evening.

Anti-Aging Protocol for Energy Enhancer

Acupoint: Spleen 6
Location: About four finger widths above the inside ankle bone, on the tibia bone

Acupoint: Large Intestine 4
Location: In the web on the back of the hand, on the bone of the index finger, at the highest point of the soft tissue when making a loose fist

Acupoint: Kidney 1
Location: In the forefoot (approximately 1/3 the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel) in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones

Acupoint: Stomach 36
Location: In the depression 4 finger widths below the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone

Acupoint: Triple Burner 23
Location: In the depression at the temple
*Apply a set of Energy Enhancer patches to this point in the evening
(on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) and remove in the morning.

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